
Application performance monitoring: IBM takes over Instana

IBM apparently wants to take over Instana, a 2015 founded company specializing in performance monitoring with roots in Germany. Instana, with its headquarters in Chicago and a development center based in this country, sells an APM platform (Application Performance Monitoring). Financial details of the proposed acquisition were not disclosed and the transaction is subject to customary closing conditions. It is expected to be completed within a few months.

What can Instana? Instana is designed to enable organizations to manage the performance of cloud-native applications no matter where they are – on mobile devices, in public and private clouds, and on-site, including IBM’s mainframe architecture Z. Instana’s Enterprise Observability Platform apparently automatically builds a contextual understanding of cloud applications and provides insights into IT problems that could harm companies or reduce customer satisfaction, such as slow response times, non-functioning services or a failed infrastructure. For these it probably shows where they can be prevented or remedied.

More specifically, Instana offers transparency via CI / CD pipelines (Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery). It reduces complexity through automated discovery and dependency mapping in the entire hybrid cloud enterprise infrastructure. Established open source technologies such as the Prometheus monitoring tool and the OpenTelemetry observability framework are used for this purpose.

Interlocking with Watson AIOps Apparently the plan is to integrate Instana into Watson AIOps from IBM. The insights gained in this way are intended to lead to AI-supported alerts should an application deviate from the norm before it can have a negative impact on a transaction or activity.

IBM has used different channels for Takeover expressed, on the one hand in a press release, on the other hand in a more detailed blog post. Mirko Novakovic, CEO of Instana and former head of the German IT service provider codecentric, from which Instana emerged, has also signed up for the acquisition. He also goes a little bit into the previous development of the future Big Blue daughter.



AMD released the first CDNA counting card: the Instinct MI100

AMD’s new Instinct MI 120 is the first over 552 TFLOPS FP 64 – performance-based spreadsheet

AMD has today released its long-awaited first separate computing circuit, codenamed Arcturus. According to the company, the billing card published under the name AMD Instinct MI 100 is the fastest in the world and at the same time the first over 10 teraFLOPS FP 64 – performance-enhancing HPC-class GPU

Instinct MI 100, based on AMD’s CDNA architecture, is manufactured using TSMC’s 7-nanometer process, but the company did not disclose, for example, how many transistors it will build. The CDNA architecture itself is based on the further developed foundation of the GCN architecture, but much has also changed


MI 100 is in use 184 Compute Units divided into four Compute Engine sections. Each CU unit has a Matrix Core Engine alongside traditional scalar and vector units, designed to accelerate matrix calculations. MCE units calculate Matrix Fused Multiply-Add or MFMA tasks with KxN matrices INT8-, FP 10 -, BF 16 and FP 32 – precision figures. The result of MFMA invoices is calculated as either INT 32 or FP 32-give or take.

Theoretical FP of MI – performance is 23, 1 and FP 64 – performance 11, 5 TFLOPS . FP 32 – the theoretical maximum speed for matrix calculations is 46, 1 TFLOPS, FP 16 – matrix calculations 184, 6 TFLOPS and INT4 and INT8 invoices as well 184, 6 TFLOPS. Bfloat 23 – with precision the theoretical maximum performance is 92, 3 TFLOPS

Computing units are supported by 8 megabytes of L2 cache divided into . The L2 cache is said to have a combined bandwidth of up to 6 TB per second. Total 4096 – the bit memory controller supports both 4- and 8-layer HBM2 memories at 2.4 GB / s, for a total of 1, 23 Tt / s memory band and 32 gigabytes of memory. The TDP value of the calculation card is 300 watts.

Instinct MI 64 also supports the second generation Infinity Fabric link between the counting cards and the mapping of up to four GPUs to the same group via a bridge. Each GPU has three IF links, with a total of four MI 100 accelerators 552 GB / s theoretical P2P bandwidth. Accelerators are connected to the processor over the PCI Express 4.0 bus.

Along with the new spreadsheets, a new open source ROCm 4.0 was released. The ROCm package includes a variety of tools for developers ’needs, from translators to interfaces and ready-made libraries. The new open source compiler in ROCm 4.0 supports both OpenMP 5.0 and HIP interfaces.

According to AMD, ready-made server configurations with Instinct MI accelerators are promised at least from Dell, Gigabyte, Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Supermicro.

Source: AMD


Gaia-X: Big US hyperscalers want to get involved in the EU cloud

Gaia-X should become an interoperable European alternative to cloud services from IT giants such as Amazon, Alibaba, Google or Microsoft. But most of the Americans in particular immediately expressed interest in participating and are now all on board at least as partners and members of technical working groups.

At the two-day digital “Gaia-X Summit”, all representatives of the US corporations emphasized on Thursday that they play an important role in the European cloud initiative and that values ​​such as data protection, interoperability, trust, transparency and openness are clearly committed want to fully support free software.

“We believe in open source and an open cloud”, underlined Wieland Holfelder, head of Google’s Munich development center. Many customers are very concerned about a lock-in effect. The participation in Gaia-X will help to dispel these fears and to build the “next generation of the data infrastructure”. In addition to technical components, Google will provide easily implementable standards of behavior for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To enable “trustworthy data processing”, customers could save their cryptographic access codes outside of the cloud. Also in the interest of a stronger involvement with Gaia-X, the group has also agreed on a cooperation with the French provider OVHcloud.

“Natural partner” IBM Hillery Hunter, chief technologist of IBM’s cloud division, recommended her company as a “natural partner in the area of ​​digital sovereignty”. It has been investing in open source for over 20 years and took over the pioneer Red Hat last year. For them there is no question: “We have to ensure interoperability and avoid lock-in effects in order to support the export-oriented European economy.” Users should “have complete control over their data”.

Casper Klynge, Microsoft’s “Foreign Minister” in Europe, described Gaia-X as a “catalyst for a competitive European Economy”. Microsoft has long relied on partnerships with local providers with the exchange of know-how and share the vision of a free flow of data across borders. Microsoft respects European values ​​and rules and has supported the GDPR from the beginning.


Corona warning app: security gap in the server

A loophole in the server backend of the German Corona warning app enabled remote code execution (RCE). The actual app was not affected. According to SAP, the loophole was not exploited. Personal data could not be accessed via the interface.

Although the contact recognition of the Corona warning app works decentrally on the smartphones, but the distribution of the random identifiers of infected people to the app runs via a central server.

Sylvester Tremmel has looked at the source code of the Corona warning app and explains the background to the gap

The gap was in the interface to Transmission of positive test results to the server. This is publicly available and does not require authentication. Only a TAN is required for the transmission of a positive result. The TAN is checked by an additional verification server, but only after it has been processed by the vulnerable code. So no positive corona test was necessary for using Lücke.

In the worst case, it would have been possible to write your own code the server and possibly smuggle in falsified results. In a blog post, SAP writes that the elimination of the vulnerability shows that “the open source and community process works perfectly and makes a decisive contribution to the security of the operation of the Corona warning app.”

Fund by GitHubs Security Lab The source code of the app and the of the server are publicly on GitHub. The vulnerability was found by chance by GitHubs Security Lab. Its researchers had looked for patterns for “Java Bean Validation” gaps in order to integrate the recognition patterns into the platform’s automatic code-scanning tools. During the search, they also found the hole in the code for the servers of the Corona warning app. There, the output of an error message was interpreted as a code.

After the discovery, the discoverers reported the vulnerability to SAP. Four days later it was closed for the time being and version 1.5.1 of the server was released. After tests by SAP and BSI, a second, more reliable fix was installed. The current version is 1.6.0 of the server.

A fork of the German Corona warning app is also being used in Belgium. However, the fork was created before the hole appeared in the code of the Corona app server. GitHub recommends that all countries that operate public or private forks of the server also apply the fix.



K8ssandra: DataStax trims Cassandra for cloud-native K8s clusters

As part of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon, DataStax presented K8ssandra, a database based on Apache Cassandra, which should be specially adapted for cloud-native use in Kubernetes clusters. K8ssandra ties in seamlessly with Astra, the database-as-a-service, which makes the NoSQL-DB available as a cloud service on Kubernetes, and which DataStax launched in May of this year. Using a helmet chart, K8ssandra can now be installed in your own Kubernetes clusters with the same functionality.

Preconfigured open source Distribution While the Cassandra community is still working on the completion of version 4.0 and the functions it contains, which promise more flexible use in Kubernetes environments, DataStax is pushing ahead with K8ssandra. The new and immediately available open source distribution from Cassandra is primarily intended to appeal to database administrators and site reliability engineers (SREs) who want to scale data for Kubernetes applications just as flexibly as the applications.

In addition K8ssandra is based on the Kubernetes operator Cass-operator, which acts as a translation layer between the control plane of Kubernetes and the database operations. DataStax had already made the operator freely available as open source on GitHub in spring, in order to underline its own efforts to get more involved in the Cassandra community beyond the commercial DataStax enterprise platform and to contribute to the NoSQL database the standard for Kubernetes.

Fabulous support from Medusa and the Reaper In addition to the Cass operator, K8ssandra uses a number of other open source tools and projects to ensure that the database in the Kubernetes cluster is largely automated. While Cassandra Medusa, which came under DataStax’s control in the course of the takeover of Last Pickle, provides functions for backup and restore of data, the Cassandra Reaper tool helps with important maintenance tasks such as the anti-entropy repair of a Cassandra cluster.

So that database administrators, SREs and users can also comprehensively monitor their Cassandra instances, K8ssandra also includes the observability tools Prometheus and Grafana with preconfigured metric settings and dashboards during installation.

Further information can be found in the official announcement for K8ssandra and on the project’s homepage.



Doctor Who-Themed RISC-V Board to Introduce IoT to Kids

(Image credit: BBC Learning / Tynker / SiFive)

Learning to code can be fun, and with boards such as the Raspberry Pi and the upcoming BBC Doctor Who HiFive Inventor Coding Kit a collaboration between BBC Learning, Tynker and SiFive we can learn new skills and save the galaxy while traveling with Doctor Who. This $75 kit provides the equipment and story lead lessons to develop your own sci-fi themed projects. 

(Image credit: BBC Learning / SiFive / Tynker)

The hand shaped board developed by SiFive is powered by a 150 MHz RISC-V SiFive RISC-V FE310-G003 processor, an open source alternative to x86_64 and ARM processors. This choice of processor is unusual, typically boards of this nature are powered by chips from Arm or Atmel. RISC-V has yet to enter the mainstream maker community, but could this be the first commercial board aimed at children?

The HiFive comes with onboard Wi-Fi and Bluetooth enabling creation of IoT projects. Onboard sensors for light, orientation and direction provide interesting ways to provide input for experiments. A 6 x 8 RGB LED matrix provides a colorful method of output.

(Image credit: BBC LEarning / Tynker / SiFive)

The HiFive features an edge connector very similar to that used on the micro:bit, whether this is fully compatible remains to be seen and we shall be testing the board as soon as they are released.

(Image credit: BBC LEarning / Tynker / SiFive)

Writing code for the HiFive is made possible using the Tynker block programming language and the child’s learning is supported via a series of lessons told as stories in the Doctor Who franchise. The block language is aimed at children from seven years upwards, but an optional MicroPython library will enable older children to use the board for more advanced projects.

The kit will retail for $75 and will be available via Amazon from November 23, known to fans as Doctor Who Day.