
The Glorious PC Gaming Race introduced the GMMK Pro barebone keyboard with a 75% layout

Deliveries of GMMK Pro barebone keyboards will begin in the first quarter of next year, but the ISO layout will not be available until later.

The Glorious PC Gaming Race is a peripheral manufacturer that has risen to the world map this year as the lightest RGB gaming mouse. The company has now expanded its product range to include keyboards.

According to the company, GMMK Pro is a keyboard with a premium 75% layout, designed for both enthusiasts, gamers and professional computer users. It is built inside a CNC machined aluminum frame and is equipped with a modular circuit board. As a special feature, the keyboard support plate is installed inside the seals, which is said to silence key tones and create a unique feel.

The Barebone keyboard supports 5-pin key switches mounted on both the support board and directly on the circuit board. The keyboard also has a built-in scroll wheel that adjusts the volume by default, but is reprogrammable. The keyboard supports open source QMK and VIA firmware and the company’s own Glorious Core software. By default, the keyboard utilizes the company’s own GOAT stabilizers, but it also supports other screw-in or clip-on stabilizers.

According to today’s trends, mandatory RGB lighting is implemented on the sides of the keyboard, but it naturally also supports RGB-lit switches. The keyboard is connected to a computer with a detachable USB Type-C cable.

The Glorious PC Gaming Race BMMK Pro barebone keyboard pre-order opens 11. November, next Wednesday. Its tax-free recommended price is 169, 99 dollars and deliveries are scheduled to begin during the first quarter of next year. A version of the keyboard is also promised with an ISO layout, but its availability is expected to go into the second quarter of next year.Source: Glorious PC Gaming Race


heise offer: Learn more about Ceph: Ceph Day concludes storage2day 2020

With Ceph Day on 12. November the last online day of storage2day 2020 takes place in a week. The central topic is the open source object storage Ceph and its integration in the most varied of environments. Seven lectures lead the participants through the quasi-standard of software-defined storage.

After an introduction to the distributed storage system, there are two first inconvenient topics: Ceph security and myths about object storage. The time around the lunch break belongs to the topic of integration: First, Ceph is to be married to Samba, then to become part of a container environment, in two ways: On the one hand, Ceph itself is to be operated within a container environment, on the other hand, it is to be provided as a storage container .

Two practical reports fill out the afternoon: First, Klaus Steinberger reports on a highly available virtualization cluster with Ceph and open source at the LMU Munich. Then the lecture “GitOps for Storage – A Merge Request to the Productive Ceph Cluster” shows how the administrators of HanseMerkur-Versicherung applied the GitOps concept to the deployment of the Ceph cluster and took on the challenge of using this approach with SUSE’s Ceph – Marrying the Deployment solution Deepsea and distributing the cluster fail-safe over two locations.

Continuation in the year 2021 Ceph Day concludes this year’s storage2day, which is taking place online this year due to Corona. In February 2021 the iX conference resumes for storage networks and data management, their program continues seamlessly with the topic of storage with open source. This is followed by the days for storage architecture in March and storage performance after the Easter holidays.

Like the on-site counterpart 2019, the online conference is also aimed at admins, data center and storage managers and IT managers who want to receive further training in the field of storage technology. The Ceph Day is flanked by two Ceph workshops: The workshop introducing Ceph “Object Storage 101: The fastest way to your own Ceph Cluster “takes place all day on . November and the further “ROOK – Ceph-Storage for Kubernetes” also all day on 17. November.

Ceph Day: program, registration, workshops (sun)


Baden-Württemberg: Computer scientists warn against Microsoft 365 in schools

The teachers’ group in the Society for Computer Science (GI) describes the change to commercial solutions such as Microsoft Office 365 for the planned by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Culture Education platform as a “big step backwards”. This would affect “all areas” such as data protection, education for democracy in the digital area, methodology and didactics as well as “uniformity, openness and collaboration”.

Moodle open source platform “It is very important to us that the excellent infrastructure in Baden-Württemberg’s schools is maintained on an open source basis” , stated the committee in a position paper that has now been published. “The center of a digital school should always be a learning management system that is really focused on learning.” With the already used open source platform Moodle this is available – “including open standards and interoperability”.

For the teachers’ group it is also questionable, ” whether our training and collaboration structures would cope with the parallel operation of several systems “. An additional platform certainly only makes sense if it reliably supports “an open export and exchange of the materials created”. For Moodle with the associated video conference system Big Blue Button this is “the case now and in the future”, with proprietary systems like those from Microsoft “usually not”.

“Damage to the image of our technology country” The switch to a commercial solution could after the 2018 education platform Ella, which was declared failed “The next damage to the image of our technology country will be”, warns the Gesellschaft für Informatik. Baden-Württemberg threatens to “lose its digital sovereignty in the education system”.

With their plan to introduce Microsoft 365, move Education Minister Susanne Eisenmann (CDU) is “on thin ice,” it says. Because: “The software collects telemetry data of unknown type and scope.” The fact that the legal basis for this ceased to exist in the summer in the course of the “Schrems II judgment” “does not seem to concern anyone”. The Cloud Act also obliges Microsoft to “break European law” and to release this information to US authorities.

Open and low-threshold Even today, sensitive student data such as behavior, performance, health and absenteeism “should not actually be processed by teachers on digital devices”, states the GI. “At least permanent storage must currently take place in the school’s administration network.” If the information just went into a Microsoft cloud, “the problem worsens”. The pragmatic consequence is likely to be a prohibition of such storage processes: The responsibility will be “again shifted to teachers”.

The Society for Computer Science therefore appeals to the state government: “Take responsibility – stay open source ! ” Platforms with free software made broad access “independent of the operating system and device” possible. Even with the mini computer Raspberry Pi, schoolchildren could participate in digital school life. The executive could “also do justice to the freedom of teaching materials at low cost”.

Data flow could not be stopped Similar had The Association for the Promotion of MINT Teaching (MUN), which campaigns for the subjects of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology and “clearly opposes the use of Microsoft Office 365 – tools “in schools. Even a specially developed, more data-efficient version of the office package, as it is now to be tested at vocational schools in cooperation with the state data protection officer, is unsuitable: due to US surveillance laws, the use of European servers does not guarantee adequate data protection, since the obligation to publish remains.

The market strategy of the lock-in effect, which begins at school, implies “a strengthening of the Microsoft monopoly and an already dangerous technological dependence of Europe on an American company”, emphasizes the MUN in its submission to Eisenmann. This development can be countered with Linux and open source programs of European origin. A rethinking has to “start early, that is, at school”. Other parent and teacher associations and other civil society organizations also see no place for Microsoft at educational institutions.



Germany ID: Verimi and Fraunhofer want to develop a joint login service

A new alliance is preparing to stir up the market for login services with a master key for many web services. Verimi has teamed up with the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security (AISEC). Both want to combine their concepts submitted for the “Secure Digital Identities” competition of the Federal Ministry of Economics (BMWi) into a “Germany ID” (DeID). The aim is to develop a uniform standard for secure digital identities in Germany and Europe and to stand up to the data-hungry ID services from Facebook and Google, for example.

The partners want to advance the project as part of the BMWi’s innovation competition Showcase Secure Digital Identities (SDI). Verimi is supported by companies such as the Allianz Insurance Group, Axel Springer, Bundesdruckerei, Daimler, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Telekom and Lufthansa and has previously led the “People-ID” consortium at SDI. The AISEC, which 2019 started the open source service Re: claimID, was previously represented there with “SDIinNRW”.

More than “single sign-on” Under the umbrella of DeID, around 35 partners from research, Economy and public administration at BMWi for the planned three-year implementation phase. In addition to the cities of Bochum and Bonn and the companies Governikus, Procilon and the Sparkasse finance portal, according to Verimi, this also includes 1 & 1 Mail & Media GmbH, which belongs to United Internet and operates the webmail services GMX and The parent company is also involved in the local Verimi alternative NetID, for example with the TV stations ProSiebenSat.1 and RTL. Axel Springer announced in April that it would be represented in both German login alliances in the future.

In addition to a “single sign-on” service, So that users do not have to constantly create new accounts with associated passwords, DeID is intended to bring together numerous locally, distributed and centrally aligned identity solutions for everyday-relevant applications in many sectors across different levels of trust. Initially, pilot projects are planned in North Rhine-Westphalia and Hesse, for example with administrative services, the e-prescription as well as with banks and insurance companies (account opening).

According to AISEC expert Marian Margraf, the main challenge at DeID is this to establish an ecosystem for electronic identification (eID). This must meet “high security requirements” and still be easy to use by all citizens and also with a smartphone. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the security functions of various current mobile devices and to integrate data protection in a transparent and easily traceable manner.

Uniform standards for the overarching acceptance of digital identities are required by all application partners from business and industry the public sector, says Verimi Managing Director Roland Adrian for the project. A broad acceptance for an online ID card is also “the urgently needed catalyst for digitization in Germany”. According to observers, German login services have so far not been able to make up much ground in competition with their competitors from Silicon Valley. The SDI jury is expected to decide on the award of state funding by mid-December.



SaltStack: Security packages eliminate three security gaps, some of which are critical

The developers of SaltStack, an open source software for automated server system configuration, have released security packages and patches for several versions. The fixes address three critical security vulnerabilities. One of them (CVE – 2020 – 17490) the Salt team estimates the hazard potential as “Low” for the time being, but the others (CVE – 2020 – 16846, CVE – 2020 – 25592) as “High” to “Critical”.

SaltStack users should apply the packages (or alternatively: the available patches) as recommended by the team as soon as possible.

Unauthorized code execution possible SaltStacks Security Advisory gives details of the gaps. According to this, unauthenticated attackers with network access to the Salt API CVE – 2020 – 16846 to run code abuse on vulnerable systems via the SSH client (Shell injection).

CVE – 2020 – 25592 is based on insufficient validation of access data and tokens and could Allow attackers to bypass authentication mechanisms in order to execute commands via the SSH client. CVE – 2020 – 17490 summarizes security-relevant bugs in the TLS encryption module.

Security packages and patches SaltStacks Advisory does not limit the Vulnerability to certain versions before; Ultimately, all (unpatched) issues seem to be vulnerable through the three holes.

Security packages are in the SaltStack repository for the versions 3002. x, 3001. x, 3000. x and 019. x ready (select from the dropdown menu).

Patches provided by GitLab secure the following SaltStack versions:

3002 3001.1, 3001. 2 3000. 3, 2020. 4 2019. 2.5, 2019. 2.6 2018. 3.5 2017. 7.4, 2017. 7.8 2016. 11. 3, 2016. 11. 6, 2016. 11. 10 2015 .3.4, 2016. 3.6, 2016. 3.8 2015.8th.10, 2015.8th.13 According to the development team, users of older versions should first update to one of the above versions in order to be able to apply the respective patch.



Documentation for web standards: MDN is preparing to move to the new platform

The team behind the MDN, formerly started as the Mozilla Development Network, announced plans to move the documentation site on the Mozilla Hacks web developer blog and published the first beta of the new platform. A GitHub-based approach replaces the previous Wiki.

The MDN team obviously has a certain sympathy for Pokémon.

(Image: Mozilla Hacks)

The new platform bears the code name Yari as a reference to the traditional Japanese lance. The blog post compares the development of Pokémon with the change from the previous Kuma base to Yari. In the games, the development is often more of a metamorphosis, in which the appearance and sometimes the skills change significantly. Obviously the MDN team has been planning a “radical change of the platform” for a long time.

The beta form of Yari The major upheavals only affect the backend. For users of the documentation, however, the change should be made relatively transparent. The changes will affect those who develop the platform on the one hand, and the authors of articles on the other.

Yari’s first beta has been on GitHub since November 3rd. Developers can test it out, and the blog post says the first release is firm for the 14. December planned, which already suggests a stable state of the software at the beta start.

Motivation for the change The team names four main reasons for the changeover of the platform: Less administrative effort for the development side, better workflows for contributors, expanded involvement of the community and an improved front-end architecture. In addition, the job cuts at Mozilla in August, which were also associated with the downsizing of the MDN team, should have given an additional boost.

Obviously, it is quite difficult to add new functions to the Kuma platform expand. With Yari, a large part of the code base should disappear and thus the management of the project will become much easier.

Pull requests instead of Wiki The model is geared more towards the processes that software developers are used to: In the future, content contributions will be created similar to code submissions for open source projects in the form of Pull requests (PR) instead of direct changes in the wiki. In addition, processing should be able to be integrated into typical processes and MDN source files should be conveniently processed in development environments.

The PR approach means that the publication is preceded by a review process. This means that the MDN team has a look at the posts and can provide additional feedback before new content goes live and potentially has to be changed afterwards. This promises a stronger bond with those who regularly make content-related contributions – analogous to the communities of open source projects.

When checking changed or new contributions, additional tools for quality control can be integrated like automatic test tools to better ensure that code is correct. At the same time, the frontend is to be revised, which currently has weak points in some areas.

JAMstack instead of Wiki In the old model, all clients access the content via a content delivery network (CDN), regardless of whether they are only calling up articles or creating or editing them. At Yari, the creation of posts takes place on GitHub. The architecture also separates the delivery of documents from search queries and account-specific traffic. As before, the latter services are located in their own Kubernetes cluster, which is, however, much smaller than before.

Architecturally, Yari relies on a JAMStack where the first three letters stand for JavaScript, APIs and markup. In terms of architecture, the system delivers statically generated websites, and the dynamics take place via the APIs or serverless functions. The rendering of the web pages does not take place with every client request as with server rendering, but in the course of the page build process.

The new platform separates contributors from readers and is intended to handle the delivery of documents speed up the CDN.

(Image: Mozilla Hacks)

The old platform read the content from a MySQL database, converted it to HTML and delivered it via a CDN, where it was cached for five minutes to enable the same queries without database access. In the new model, the content goes daily to an S3 instance on Amazon Web Services, which delivers it to the CDN for reading. Version management Git plays an essential role in the ecosystem for creating content.

Detour via the IDE Contributors may initially need to get used to the changeover. You can no longer edit content by simply clicking on Edit edit the page in a WYSIWYG editor, but have to fall back on the processes and tools used in software development.

Typically, you create new contributions in a development environment or a source code Editor like Visual Studio Code and then submit it as a pull request in the GitHub repository. For simple code changes you don’t necessarily have to go through local tools, but can edit the adjustments via the GitHub UI.

To start, those who write contributions have to edit all files in the HTML source code . This includes checking the output in the browser before submitting the PR. In the long term, however, the team is planning to switch to Markdown as the standard format for the content.

Further details on the process and the infrastructure can be found in the blog post on Mozilla Hacks.



Youtube-DL: The developers are not intimidated and keep working

In the dispute over the Python library YouTube-DL, with which videos can be downloaded from the streaming platform, the developers of the open source software are unaffected by the legal threats from the other side. You have now released a new version of your software. The software was removed from Microsoft’s code-sharing platform GitHub following a DMCA cease-and-desist request by representatives of the US music industry, which sparked violent protests in the open source community, in parts of the press and among network activists.

Nat Friedman: “This time it annoyed me” Meanwhile, Nat Friedman has too , Managing Director of GitHub and longstanding open source developer in the GNOME environment, got involved. As reported by the news site TorrentFreak, Friedman is actively trying to restore YouTube-DL’s GitHub repository. “GitHub exists to help developers. We don’t want to complicate their work. We want to help the Youtube-DL developers to remove the DMCA cease-and-desist request from the world so that we can restore the repo,” the GitHub boss told TorrentFreak . Speaking to the website, Friedman also admitted that the case had annoyed him personally.

Friedman thinks the YouTube DL developers could do theirs Probably bring your code back online with a few minor changes without fear of legal consequences. It would therefore be advisable to remove an example of downloading copy-protected material from the program code. In addition, one would have to remove code that bypasses a measure (rolling cipher) with which YouTube prevents the download of some videos. However, it is not clear how many videos are protected in this way and whether it is not trivial to bypass this protection manually.

Legally questionable, in terms of PR a clear disaster Some observers are of the opinion that a lawsuit by the music industry interest group RIAA against YouTube-DL based on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) has little success. Because there is also a lot of content on YouTube that is under free licenses and is not provided with copy protection that has to be bypassed. This is how many network activists see it, including the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which sharply criticized the RIAA’s DMCA injunction.

Regardless of any upcoming legal disputes, it seems clear that the RIAA shot themselves a violent own goal with their actions. In addition to global public criticism, so many GitHub users had duplicated the YouTube DL code in their own repositories that GitHub finally had to issue an explicit warning that users who take part in this protest run the risk of their GitHub account being damaged is blocked.

New version of Youtube-DL is available for download Also the Youtube-DL developers themselves do not seem intimidated by the threat of the music industry. They have a new version on their own website 2020. 11. 01. 1 of their software released. The changes contained therein apparently have nothing to do with the dispute with the RIAA. So far, the development of the software seems to proceed without restrictions.



Amazon Web Services releases machine learning tools to prevent the spread of COVID-19

Amazon Web Services has made available in open source form a new simulator and a series of tools machine learning that allow to study and try to predict the spread of the COVID pandemic infections – 19 . It is a set of tools and data that can help shed light on the complexities of this virus, offering a spread simulator and various models to test the impact of various intervention strategies.

Although today we know something more about COVD – 19 compared to the pandemic, the construction of a correct epidemiological model is still an arduous task. This is because it is necessary first to identify the variables that can influence the spread of the disease at the city level, then at the country level and finally at the population level. An effective intervention model must then be able to modify strategies (closures, quarantines) by exploring the trends of diseases that have shown trends similar to those of COVID – 19

Studying and preventing the spread of the COVID pandemic – 19 with AWS Machine Learning

The machine learning models made available by AWS estimate the progression of disease by comparing the data with the historical results. This offers the possibility for scientists and researchers to exploit a simulator to reproduce hypothetical scenarios for different intervention approaches and to use state-level models in the US, India and European countries.

The AWS simulator is able to assign a series of probabilities to the disease variables for each individual , such as the length of time between exposure to the pathogen and the development of symptoms. It is also possible to study the dynamics at the population level, in such a way that the passage of an individual from one state to the next is conditioned by the states of the other individuals in the population. For example, an individual may go from “susceptible” to “exposed” depending on factors such as vulnerability due to pre-existing conditions or external interventions such as social distancing.

“Our open source code simulates COVID case projections – 19 a various levels of regional granularity. The output is the projection of total confirmed cases on a specific timeline for a target state or country, for a given degree of intervention. Our solution first seeks to understand the approximate time to peak and the expected case percentages of COVID cases – 19 per day for the target entity (state / country) by analyzing the incidence of the disease. Next, it selects the optimal parameters using optimization techniques on a simulation model. Finally, it generates the projections of the daily and cumulative confirmed cases, starting from the beginning of the outbreak up to a specified time period in the future “yes read on the official AWS blog.

Amazon Web Services is not alone in releasing ML models and datasets to help develop adequate intervention measures to contain the spread of the pandemic: Google has made public its in March, while Facebook released them a few days ago.