
AI upscaling: AMD is working with Microsoft on an alternative to Nvidia's DLSS

What Nvidia has been working on for years and what is now working satisfactorily, should also be able to use Radeon graphics cards in the future: AI upscaling, which makes the game appear more detailed and sharper than the native render resolution would allow. This saves computing power and increases the frame rate.

AMD is developing its “Super Resolution” process together with Microsoft on the basis of the DirectX API DirectML ( Machine learning). It should ensure stable frame rates, especially when using performance-hungry ray tracing graphics effects. For the presentation of the Radeon RX graphics card series 2019, however, the function is not yet available. Open source and cross-platform Compared to media like Anandtech AMD explained that Super Resolution as part of the GPUOpen project should be open source and work across platforms. In the future, the chip manufacturer intends to offer developer tools for game studios within its own FidelityFX repertoire.

DirectML uses neural networks, for example, to enhance image quality. This works either via compute shaders or via special hardware cores. Microsoft has been experimenting with AI upscaling, also with the help of Nvidia, for at least a year and a half – in a GDC presentation from March 2019 one employee already called the function Super Resolution.

Upscaling with neural network Nvidia uses the technology a self-trained neural network that is fed with K-pictures of all kinds and based on the results learns to upscale lower-resolution moving pictures . Since Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) 2.0, this has worked quite well. Game developers, however, have to incorporate the feature into their titles themselves.

In a blog post, Microsoft explains that the combined processors in the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S already have hardware cores to accelerate DirectML algorithms and thus go beyond the capabilities of AMD’s “Big Navi” GPUs. Sony is apparently cooking its own soup, as the patents submitted for its own AI upscaling reveal.

AMD’s presentation of the Radeon RX graphics card series 6000.

(Source: AMD) (mma)


Framework Qt 6: Subscription model could be a pitfall for commercial customers

The Qt Company will offer the upcoming main version 6 of the framework for cross-platform development for commercial customers only as a subscription model. This puts companies that use or even offer software on the basis of a commercial Qt license into an unsafe situation: They are only allowed to use or sell it for as long as they have a valid subscription.

The reference to the planned change came from a Heise reader who works for such a company. Qt has probably informed all customers about the change in an email, which can also be seen on the web, but has so far been under the radar of the many messages in the Qt blog about the upcoming release.

One less commercial model The Qt Company informed your customers with the usual reference to the advantages that the subscription model had over the Pepetual License , including a bonus for those who switch to the subscription before the end of the year.

The mailing offers additional advantages to those who make quick decisions .

The reader described the dilemma in which his company and other Qt customers find themselves. There are currently three options for using software developed with the framework: the subscription, a perpetual license and the open source approach with the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). The latter model is not applicable for some providers due to complex requirements. In addition, the Qt Company announced at the beginning of the year that it would no longer offer LTS (Long-Term Support) variants for open source versions. In April, the KDE community also pointed out a planned change that could delay open source releases by up to twelve months compared to commercial ones.

The comparison of commercial licenses is, as is often the case, one A question of weighing up: The subscription model offers regular updates and is initially cheaper, but the perpetual license is more future-proof. Therefore, the reader’s company had decided on the latter.

New dependency The Qt Company is not alone in switching to a subscription-only model: Microsoft is pushing appropriate models, and the tool manufacturer JetBrains switched completely to selling subscriptions five years ago. With Qt, however, there is an essential difference: If you no longer have an Office package or a development environment under license, you only have to ensure in good time that the content can still be used. Then, for example, the texts in LibreOffice or the source code in Visual Studio Code can be edited.

For the Qt However, software developed under the framework is clearly stated in the specifications for the subscription: “If the subscription expires, the customer has no access to use or distribute commercial software that was developed with Qt”. The situation is different for the Perpetual LIcense: “You can continue to use the product forever after the maintenance contract expires” is stated in the associated FAQ entry – with the exception that Qt does not guarantee the support of the purchased items Version there. In the same entry there is the additional note that a subscription license is required for access to Qt 6.

Uncertain future In May, Qt 5. 15 is the last LTS release of the 5 series Series of Qt released. At the same time, it was the first that LTS only offers commercial customers for whom support is still running until 2023. The upcoming Qt 6, for which the first beta was released in October, brings numerous innovations that commercial providers hardly want to withhold from their customers of the company: “Qt could effectively make the subscription so expensive that it is not possible for us to use our software (which was created with Qt),” he wrote in his email. To this end, he cites the case, which from his point of view is very improbable but not impossible, that Qt would be prohibited from selling the framework to his company due to export restrictions.

His company will probably refrain from making the switch because the business risk is too high. This means that Qt 5 will remain if there are actually no permanent licenses for Qt 6. This means that upcoming APIs or additional operating systems are obsolete if they are only supported by the upcoming Qt release.



Digital sovereignty and the European cloud Gaia-X: Many questions in the digital committee

The Gaia-X project aims to realize a digitally sovereign, European cloud based on open source and open standards. And there are obviously some questions about this, as the hearing in the Bundestag committee on the digital agenda showed.

Under the direction of Manuel Höferlin ( FDP), the committee asked experts about Gaia-X. The lawyer Prof. Dr. Axel Metzger from the Humboldt University Berlin, Andreas Weiss from the Eco-Verband, Dr. Sven Herping (New Responsibility Foundation), Fabian Biegel (SAP), Elisabeth Lindinger (Superrr Lab) and Peter Ganten (Univention / OSB Alliance).

Information asymmetry and more competition In their initial statements, the experts were initially able to present their key statements before a good 90 – one minute question and answer session. The lawyer Metzger explained, for example, how the GDPR has shifted the focus of the data strategy: Today it is more about promoting data use and data rooms in Europe without endangering data protection. This opens up opportunities, but requires functioning markets. “We need more competition in digital markets.” One must think about forcing providers to offer alternative (data-saving) payment models, i.e. data- and fee-driven business models. In contract law, data must be stipulated in return, and information models for consumers and companies are needed. The “information asymmetries” are only difficult to understand. Graphically simplified privacy icons could show how data-intensive a service is, says Metzger. EU legislation is only just beginning.

Sven Herpig from the New Responsibility Foundation called for an official definition of digital sovereignty. “We need this, preferably at EU level, so that interest representatives cannot interpret what they want.” In his opinion, the focus should be on fundamental rights. European products are not automatically safe either. Risk analyzes and models, including modern access protection, are needed. It should also be clarified how the data is present, whether encryption and how and where processing takes place. Here, the dependence on non-EU providers is currently very high, for example in machine learning. Furthermore, all Gaia-X components would have to meet at least the same safety standards as the established competitors on the market. Open source is central, secure and trustworthy data processing is important for success, and in the end Gaia-X is measured by its security.

eco and SAP Andreas Weiss from the Association of the Internet Industry eco emphasized the federal, self-determined and self-organized concept of Gaia X and its services, Fabian Biegel (SAP) emphasizes the importance of data and the large market : “With open data, millions could very easily be saved from dying from malaria.”

He asks whether total data sovereignty is still possible, and as a minimum demands freedom of choice, that is is no longer the case “if you are dependent on a few large manufacturers. (…) We need user networks and provider structures that provide data. Gaia-X is a contribution to such transparent ecosystems”, also to take advantage of the economies of scale of the systems that dominate the market balance the US. SAP sets the bar high and wants to help with Gaia-X, “set the gold standard for data sovereignty.”

Open data and more The expert Elisabeth Lindinger from the Superrr Lab, invited by the left, names three measures as necessary for a European strategy for more technological sovereignty:

promoting the development and maintenance of digital infrastructure components (libraries, protocols, interfaces, …); a changed self-image of public institutions as an active part of the open source ecosystem (open source as part of procurement guidelines; publication of their own software under open licenses ; strengthening digital civil society and recognizing digital volunteering. Data should also be used by public administration be accessible to civil society and usable for the common good. “Cities like Eindhoven and Barcelona are exemplary in ensuring this through public data governance that data that is collected in the public space or in the course of public contracts becomes common property. ”

Not only the US hyperscalers copy Peter Ganten, Board Member of the Open Source Business Alliance – Federal Association for Digital Sovereignty eV explains that the motivation for Gaia-X comes from the desire for digital sovereignty and delivers also a definition: “The core of the term digital sovereignty is the ability as an individual, organization or state to be able to determine by whom and in what way the data generated or stored by the entity in question can be used.”

Digital sovereignty understood in this way is indispensable for the future of Europe for various reasons, in a further digitized world it is even a basic requirement for the innovative capacity of companies and other organizations. Without digital sovereignty, trustworthy communication and high data protection standards cannot be achieved, explains Ganten.

Our digital sovereignty is limited by software, which brings back doors and business models that collect and monetize data in a non-transparent way, and That is also one of the reasons why providers like Microsoft are pushing more and more into the cloud. Repairing that is a long task, only if it succeeds we can protect the data of citizens and promote the medium-sized economy.

Ganten warns against copying the hyperscalers from the USA or China, he calls for an open market for free applications to be created. “That is only possible with a free, distributed platform that allows you to offer your own services – with federations that work as easily as they do today within the Walled Gardens.” The exclusive use of OSS is of central importance. “GaiaX takes up the success concept of the Internet, with networking and federations.” A new wave of innovation based on European values ​​could emanate from here, regardless of hyperscalers.

Long round of questions In the following question and answer session, the general openness of all politicians towards the Gaia-X project was surprising. From the AfD to the left, the questions asked were factual and conspicuously clearly oriented towards the benefit for companies and citizens. The CDU asks about the greatest challenges, Andreas Weiss from Eco mentions the complexity of the project: “The technological implementation and the creation of the framework.” But it is “quite impressive what happened here” – and: “We don’t have a blueprint either.”

The SPD asked Herpig: How could the funding specifically look? He explains that it is important to ensure that new technologies are promoted, but also that the silverware is not lost again. He points to the negative example of Secusmart, now a Canadian company.

The promotion of OSS is the core of the safe development of Gaia-X and interoperability, explains the man from the new responsibility – she be the only viable way. Secure data processing is also “only possible using open standards, even if GaiaX cannot handle it internally.” In view of the GDPR and the Schrems II ruling, the AfD asks what international data processing should look like, what solution do you see for the future? Prof. Metzger: “Gaia-X offers the opportunity to offer a European solution for these specifications for data transmission in third countries. And if it works as desired, one or the other data transmission will no longer be necessary. Gaia-X is an important one Module. ”

Biggest risk for SAP? Not to be there. The FDP’s question: “What is the greatest risk for your company around Gaia-X?”, The SAP representative answered in the first sentence with: “Not to be there.” It is about nothing less than breaking the old systems into data ecosystems, as the core of the digital transformation. “We need a holistic model within the industry – concept.” When asked as a representative of the SMEs, Ganten replied: “This is the unique opportunity for software providers in Europe to participate in a new market. Be there from the start. Yes, it may still be possible in a few years, but it is now the right time. The substructure, the Sovereign Cloud Stack SCS, should leave Gaia-X services and data reliably in its own data center. This is the opportunity for medium-sized companies to make products that are successful worldwide. ”

Again Ganten to the question of the Greens, what about open source hardware: It is true, only if you control the firmware, you are protected from backdoors. But that is not the scope of Gaia-X, but “you cannot solve all problems at once”. The CDU / CSU asks about the schedule, the Eco-Chef answers: In the short term, the implementation of Federation Services, which are the core services, is a “two-year goal”. 2021 should come the first release, which “makes the functional available”. Gaia-X is an ecosystem, a reference implementation is possible.

“A German-French liaison” Weiss explains that the development is mainly taking place in Germany and France (“a Franco-German liaison”), but other colleagues from other countries are also increasingly contributing ideas. He raves about the “wonderful approach”, a “common goal” and speaks of the tremendous challenge. Next question: Who is the contact person for SMEs? “Clubs and associations like eco are the bridgeheads and door openers”. But the greatest difficulty is not the membership, but simply finding your own staff in order to ensure sustainable innovation potential and the long-term availability of the products.

The incubation potential of Gaia-X is great, explains the eco representative, for example in terms of machine learning and artificial intelligence. And the lawyer Metzger wonders whether “the incentive function of patent law is successful? (…) I have difficulty recognizing innovation-promoting aspects in this area. The classic approach of patent law makes sense in classic industry, in combination with hardware, machines, devices “- but otherwise this is no longer an issue on the agenda today.



EU Commissioner Hahn: The open source strategy is a sign of digital change

What is the strategy of Europe and the German government with regard to the challenges of digitization and digital sovereignty in public authorities? This question was addressed today by EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn and Pia Karger, Head of the Digital Society Department; Information technology in the Ministry of the Interior, at the event “Necessity or Luxury? Digital Sovereignty in Germany and Europe” as part of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

There is no getting around open-source software, explains the Johannes Hahn, EU Commissioner for Budget and Administration in the von der Leyen Commission since December 2019, joined the keynote in Bremen. Above all, the past eight months with Corona have shown the value of digitization, but also that “major investments by the EU are necessary here in order to bring digitization to the wider area.”

Especially the public administration must “do everything possible to achieve digital sovereignty in Europe.” This also includes the software, and European users must “do everything to maintain control over the processes.” Hahn mentions the German Corona app as a positive example and agrees to praise open source software: Open source is independent and strengthens trust. Only the openness of the source enables the common use and the bundling of the efforts of individual authorities. Not least because of this, the EU Commission wants to strengthen open source software and promote a work culture that relies on free software. “Reuse and share, open source wherever possible, sensible and strategically important”. For Hahn, the OSS strategy is a sign of digital change in the EU and the Commission.

A center for digital sovereignty That sounds similar what can be heard in the following panel discussion from the Federal Ministry of the Interior. Among other things, Pia Karger is responsible for IT control, service consolidation as part of the federal IT consolidation and IT procurement and is convinced: the focus is clearly on digital, sovereign administration, she would like us to do ten Years ago, no longer “… discussing software licenses and business models, but being able to present digitally superior solutions that interlink smoothly”. They are already working on a center for digital sovereignty, “In many European countries there are already centers for open source software in administration” We should also have that, although Karger open source software is the most important digital component Sovereignty sees. You are still at the beginning, but discussions are ongoing and concrete ideas are being developed.

When asked what such a center could or should do, Karger replied that one would like to bundle and develop competencies , and to coordinate these with the administration, to publish them and thus to create reliable framework conditions. It should also represent digital sovereignty and open source software as a value in itself. “We are sometimes still at the beginning”. And last but not least, one would like to gain more weight together as a public administration, to represent a common market.

Build up competence, share, develop standards The other participants on the podium also agreed. Prof. Dr. Maria Wimmer heads the administrative informatics / e-government research group at the University of Koblenz-Landau, researching and teaching in the areas of e-government, e-democracy and e-participation, among other things. “We still have to build up a lot of expertise,” she says, and a uniform line within the EU is a challenge that can only be achieved through good governance of the digital solutions, in which the actors work together to develop standards as building blocks.

Peter Ganten, managing director of the Bremen Linux distributor Univention and chairman of the board of the Open Source Business Alliance, agrees and calls on the public sector to develop competence here, “Open source companies like us need competent contractors”. Ganten wants to clear up a misunderstanding: “There is simply no contrast between ‘Do it yourself with open source or buy something ready-made with proprietary software’. Open source is a functioning business model that has produced companies like Red Hat that are designed for 34 Billions were sold, d


GraphQL Editor 3 enables export of JAMStack sites and bundles

The third major version is available for the editor of the open source query language GraphQL. The development team behind the GraphQL Editor classifies the release as the largest since the project began. In addition to a number of new features, the update mainly brings changes to the user interface.

Revised hierarchy view The new version of the GraphQL Editor offers a revised hierarchy view as well a new organizer mode, which should accelerate the creation and navigation through GraphQL schemes.

The Faker, apparently one of the most popular functions of the users, has also received an update. With FakerQL, users can send queries, mutations and subscriptions for fake data. The latest revisions allow developers to specify Faker values ​​from faker.js as well as an array of values ​​to pick a random value from that array. Users can also activate dark mode.

Export JAMStack sites and bundles The development team behind the editor offers developers the option to export JAMStack -Export sites and bundles. JAMStack stands for JavaScript, APIs and markup. The JAMStack method is a popular method for creating faster websites and applications and promises better scalability and a secure infrastructure.

To users the documentation of a GraphQL schema


HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro: here is the unboxing and first impressions

We have it in our hands a few days after its presentation: let’s talk about the new HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro, the flagship of the Chinese company that wants to once again propose itself as the first of class in photography and video. Here’s how it’s done in our unboxing.

by Bruno Mucciarelli published on in the Telephony channel

HUAWEI announced it just a few days ago and we already have it in our hands: let’s talk about the new HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro , the top of the range of the new smartphone series that has always revolutionized the photography market and that now wants to continue to do so, further increasing the level thanks to innovation and technological development. We have ” unpacked ” it from its sales package unofficial but practically complete and we want to show you the first impressions, what we will find in the sales package and above all how the new smartphone of the Chinese company is made.

HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro: here is UNBOXING! First impressions [/HWUVIDEO]

HUAWEI Mate 40 Pros: Could it be even better?

Change the aesthetics in the HAUWEI Mate 40 Pro, even if slightly, but of done the company tries to start from what has been done well with the P 40 Pro from a few months ago. The design in this case is combined with innovative technology. There is the so-called Horizon Display with angles from 88 ° that promote immersive viewing in a compact design. In this case, the curvature makes the smartphone comfortable to hold in the hand. There is IP certification 68 for resistance to dust and water, and the possibility of choosing between physical and virtual keys, as well as algorithms that prevent typing errors.

Always aesthetically looking at the back you can see the brand new Space Ring Design , the evolution of HUAWEI’s now iconic circular design. The new Mate 40 Pro is available in Black and White colors but also this very particular Mystic Silver , characterized by an iridescent finish.

On a technical level the new HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro possesses the very powerful Kirin 9000 which for the first time will power the most powerful Mate ever. The CPU is fully 5G ready, capable of handling intensive computing processes and multi-tasking operations with ease, at least according to its engineers. Kirin 9000 is made with a 5nm production process , offers improved performance as well as management of the ?? energy than its predecessors higher.

OS ( at launch) Android 10 (Opensource) with EMUI 11
Processor Kirin 9000 at 5nm
Display OLED 6.7 “Quad HD + – Refresh Rate 75 Hz
Resolution 2772 x 400 px
Storage (at launch) 256 GB + NMCard up to 256 GB
Rear Camera

Triple Camera:
Main 50 MP (f / 1.9) +
Wide angle 20 MP ( f / 1.8) +
Tele Periscope 10 MP (f / 3.4) Zoom optical 5X OIS
4K UHD video

Front Camera 13 MP (f / 2.4) +
3D Depth Sensor

Fingerprint sensor
IP certification – 68

Doors USB Type-C
Battery 4. 400 mAh + Quick Charge + Wireless Charging
Dimensions 88. 9 x 75. 5 x 9.1 mm
Weight 212 gr

All this will also provide the basis for the best use of the display from 90 Hz with 6.7 ” diagonal and which works in conjunction with the sampling rate at 240 Hz for greater responsiveness and provides tactile feedback corresponding to the visual experience. And if that’s not enough, there are also two stereo speakers to create an all-encompassing surround sound.

Many peculiarities regarding the photographic sector. HUAWEI decides to integrate systems of Dual Cine Cameras and Dual Ultra Wide Cameras with viewing angle expanded capable of allowing the capture of high quality video and images. On a technical level the main chamber results from 50 MP with focal aperture from f / 1.9 while that Ultra Wide Angle reaches i 20 MP with f / 1.8. There is then that from 12 Periscope type MP that will allow you to zoom up to 5 X optically and with OIS stabilization.

At the video level, HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro will be able to capture a 4K video content with Steady Shot, while the XD Fusion HDR Engine ensures balance in exposure, even in case of extreme light contrasts. Further new features are the Tracking Shot and Story Creator , which will offer lifelike cinematic effects.

HUAWEI Mate 40 Series has an important autonomy to keep up with the needs of 5G. The battery is 4. 400 mAh but above all it supports fast charging from 66 W HUAWEI SuperCharge and from 50 W HUAWEI Wireless SuperCharge.

HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro sees the EMUI integrated 00 of new concept based on Android 10 Open Source. There are tons of new features in it like the Smart Gesture Control which allows control of the device without the need to use fingers. It also uses the new dynamic Eyes on Display which allows you to activate your smartphone with a simple glance, with interactive and customizable displays that contain all the information the user needs on the phone.

HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro and Mate 40 Pro +: prices and availability

HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro is available exclusively for pre-order from today at HUAWEI Store , in Black and Mystic colors Silver, at the recommended retail price of 1. 249 ?? .

Attention because who pre-orders it or completes the purchase of HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro by 15 November , will receive Huawei FreeBuds Pro included in the price (commercial value 179, 00 ?? ), plus 6 months of Huawei Music, 3 months subscription to Huawei Video is 50 GB of extra space on HUAWEI Cloud for 12 months.

Also all those who buy HUAWEI Mate on the Huawei Store 40 Pro, HUAWEI FreeBuds Studio, HUAWEI X Gentle Monster II and other products, will receive 30 eur or discount each 200 spending euros, directly in the cart.

HERE IS the PAGE where to PRE-ORDER the new HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro


Youtube-DL: Dispute over open source YouTube downloaders escalates

After the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) had the popular open source program Youtube-DL deleted from Microsoft’s code hosting platform GitHub last week, the platform is now overwhelmed by copies of the program .

The open source community is traditionally not a friend of interest groups like the RIAA, which try to defend their copyright claims through copy protection measures, which are then built into all possible software systems. And the fact that the RIAA had obtained the removal of the popular tool with a DMCA cease and desist statement does not seem to suit many GitHub users at all. Youtube-DL is a software library that is used by many other programs in the background. With these programs, or from the command line with Youtube-DL itself, you can download videos or just their audio track from YouTube and other video sharing platforms. This is used by users to download videos for offline viewing, rip music from videos and convert video broadcasts into audio podcasts to take away.

But many journalists also use software or websites that are based on YouTube-DL to archive news-relevant videos before they are deleted by governments, law enforcement agencies or by means of a DMCA cease and desist declaration. The Freedom of the Press Foundation also points this out in a publication on the RIAA’s approach. The software has “secured a permanent place in the toolbox of many reporters, newsroom developers and archive employees,” it says. Even the author of this message would not have been able to report several dozen security vulnerabilities and a handful of other topics for heise online if he was at the beginning the research could not have saved material from primary sources with Youtube-DL, which had already been deleted when the report was published.

Do you know the Streisand effect? ​​ Of course, Youtube-DL is also used for less socially recognized copyright infringements. Often, however, these are private individuals who download content for their own use and do not pass it on – a type of copyright infringement that in almost no country in the world has serious legal consequences. And it is precisely these private users who are now venting their displeasure by uploading the software to all possible GitHub repos. In the meantime there are hundreds of such alternative repos.

The RIAA seems to be a bold

with the publicly effective deletion of the open source software.

.NET for Apache Spark combines .NET development with the big data engine

Microsoft releases version 1.0 of .NET for Apache Spark. The open source package is intended to connect .NET development with the platform for big data processing.

Apache Spark scales complex data analyzes and machine learning applications over a cluster. The software has established itself as a standard tool for the analysis of large amounts of data and is written in the Scala programming language.

Support for .NET applications In addition to support for .NET applications for .NET Standard 2.0 or older, the current release also offers the option of using user-defined functions from .NET (UDFs for short).

In addition, users get access to the Apache Spark DataFrame APIs (version 2.3, 2.4 and 3.0) and the ability to use Spark SQL – a processing module from Apache Spark and queries of structured data.

The big data engine is currently in its third major version. Further information on .NET for Apache Spark can be found in the release notes and in the article


Web development: Mozilla's WebAssembly team for the desktop is moving to Fastly

The development of the system interface of WebAssembly (Wasm), which has been an official W3C standard since the end 2019, is no longer operated by Mozilla. In future, the browser manufacturer will limit itself to maintaining the browser variant of the bytecode format including the associated runtime environment for execution in web browsers.

Fastly leads Wasmtime and Lucet teams together The specialists previously employed by Mozilla for the desktop variant and the system interface are now switching to Fastly, a provider of cloud computing services. The background is the mass layoffs announced in August at Mozilla, which (in contrast to the Rust project) affect this team.

The Bytecode Alliance celebrates its one-year existence now announced the change of the former Mozilla team, which specializes in Wasm outside the web, in a blog post and mentions that the developers of Lucet and Wasmtime at Fastly will form a team together in the future. This part of the announcement should come as little surprise, as Fastly had already announced in March 2020 that Lucet and Wasmtime are working together on a stronger compiler.

Development of the Wasm ecosystem beyond the browser continued Mozilla, Fastly and Red Hat founded an open source community called the Bytecode Alliance a year ago with the aim of to promote the development of WebAssembly into an independent ecosystem outside of the browser and to set new, cross-platform standards.

The association is currently responsible for eight projects for the execution of WebAssembly outside the browser – including Lucet and WebAssembly Micro Runtime and Runtimes Wasmtime. The aim of the projects maintained by this association is to create secure applications, since a large part of the code of modular apps is made available by individuals via package administrations such as npm, PyPI and WebAssembly and especially its desktop version should make the use of these resources more secure. Under the hood, it’s about nanoprocesses that are secured in a sandbox


Despite Corona, the demand for open source experts is increasing

Finding qualified open source experts is becoming increasingly difficult. This is the result of a study by the Linux Foundation and the edX education platform. 93 percent of those responsible for hiring state that they cannot find enough employees in this area, in contrast to 87 percent two years ago. In addition, due to the corona pandemic and the associated economic restrictions in this segment, the number of employees is declining.

For jobs and vacancies in the IT industry, see also the job market on heise online:

still intend 37 percent of those responsible for hiring will hire qualified IT experts in the next six months. The number of open source experts dismissed during the corona pandemic is only four percent. The study identifies DevOps and the cloud as the most important hiring skills. The former has developed into one of the most important areas of expertise: 59 percent of companies plan to hire more talent in this area, 2018 only stated 37 percent. According to the study, however, the best qualification is knowledge of cloud technologies: 70 Percent of companies are more likely to hire experts in this field – 2018 it was still 65 percent.

Online training courses and certifications are becoming increasingly important. 74 Percent of companies are willing to invest in employee certification. Further information on the study can be found here. At the same time, the EU Commission launched its new open source course


Grafana visualizes logs with the new tool Tempo and with Loki 2.0

Grafana Labs introduced Tempo, a new tool for tracking dependencies, and released the new major version 2.0 of its logging tool Loki. With Grafana Tempo, the provider of monitoring, logging and tracing software relies on a distributed, scalable tracing system that brings together metric data, logs and traces. Tempo should work together with existing tools of the Grafana suite, but also be compatible with open source tracing tools such as Jaeger, OpenTelemetry and others.

Loki 2.0 generates warnings directly from the logs According to the provider, Loki 2.0 brings improvements to the LogQL Query Language with the most important innovations: Logs can now apparently be parsed to create labels to create at query time. Extracted labels can be filtered by users during the query, the formatting of log lines should now be customized and users can use the contents of log lines directly for functions of PromQL (Prometheus Query Language). Metric data should now be able to be graphically visualized in a more diverse way than before. Another new feature is that Prometheus warnings can be generated directly from the logs, and the boltdb-shipper is ready for production with the new release .

This means that Loki will no longer have to rely on databases like Cassandra, DynamoDB or Bigtable to store data, but rather with an object store like S3, GCS or the file system. A small change is of practical importance: If users start Loki with the command – verify-config , they can immediately check whether their own configuration is valid or not. Loki will respond with the status code 0 if the configuration fits.

Tangible changes and an upgrade guide According to the release notes, the new major release from Loki confronts developers with some tangible changes. Grafana particularly recommends developers who use a Docker image (including helmet, Tanka, docker-compose and the like) to consult the upgrade guide intended for this before the upgrade: Depending on the previous configuration, breaking changes must obviously be observed, the guide is intended to provide guidance on how to circumvent related problems. Significant changes concern the boltdb-shipper index , and the configuration

which was marked as deprecated a long time ago.


Google announces changes for the Summer of Code 2021

The team behind the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) presents the cycle for 2021. The seventeenth edition of the programming event contains some changes in terms of workload and target group.

Organized since 2005 Google the Summer of Code (GSoC) programming event. The program brings mentor organizations looking for new contributors to their open source projects together with students who contribute to the projects as developers. In the past sixteen years a total of 16. 000 students have taken part in the GSoC.

More students and changes in time Due to the COVID pandemic – 19 the scope of projects and the time that students have to spend on their projects changes. In the coming year, a workload of 175 hours over a period of 10 weeks is planned.

In addition, the organizers are opening the program to students from 18 years. But also for students who are up to 17. May 2021 are enrolled in a post-academic program – including college, university, masters program and many more. Further details can be found in the blog post on the Go


“Fig leaf”: Criticism of the EU Commission's new open source course

The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) has asked the EU Commission to support the basically ambitious goals of its new open source strategy with tangible implementation measures in the coming weeks and months. The advantages of free software are emphasized again and again in the paper, but there is no clear commitment to their use. Hardly any concrete goals were mentioned.

The Commission’s open source roadmap so far was 2017 expired. The FSFE had therefore hoped for a “big step” after the long break, which would reflect the current developments around the debates about digital sovereignty and the state of the art in administration. With its 15 – page document, the Brussels government institution only presented “a fig leaf”. The entire funding approach threatens to fail.

Apart from the plan to set up a programmatic open source office that “enjoys real political and organizational support and all the general directorates integrates “, according to the FSFE, there is no sign of a better approach by the Commission. At most, there is still talk of using open source programs more internally. In contrast to funded external projects, there are no plans to publish the code under a license for free software.

The title “Think Open” indicates a change in mentality, writes the non-profit organization . The strategy mainly repeats previous commitments and activities, while looking in vain for sustainable and verifiable approaches. The fact that the commission continues to depend heavily on major manufacturers such as Microsoft for operating systems, office packages and e-mail programs is not an issue at all. So there is apparently no plan to solve it.

Stronger support for open source The one published on Wednesday Open source agenda should apply until 2023. The commission does not only want to use more free software itself. It has also undertaken to work with Member States, businesses and the general public to “develop new, innovative digital solutions that work across borders and serve technological sovereignty”.

We are ready to To play a more active role also within the developer community, to set up open source innovation laboratories and to eliminate the administrative burden for the release of free software, assured Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for Budget and Administration. “Open source is everywhere,” says the paper. “We will increasingly fall back on open source software – wherever this is practicable”.

The commission itself comes out as “enthusiastic user and editor of free and open source software”. This has an important role to play in “making the transition to an inclusive, better digital environment”. In line with best practices, it would also “perform automated continuous security testing to ensure that the open source components we use in our applications are free of vulnerabilities”. You will also “thoroughly check” your own code before sharing it.

Lip service The FSFE keeps the text as a whole for lip service that is further restricted by vague formulations and loopholes. It was missing

Media patron Google: examines money and influence

Google invests millions in journalism. But why actually? Where is the money going exactly? And does that have an impact on reporting? Two journalists from investigated this in a study funded by the DGB and the Otto Brenner Foundation. To do this, they spoke to more than two dozen journalists and managers.

More than 200 Millions of euros are said to have flowed to European media groups over the past seven years. The News Initiative is Google’s division that takes care of such projects and comes into contact with the corporations. News Showcase started last; Behind this is a license model for articles from partner publishers, which Google then displays in separate news sites. Germany is the first, Google plans to spend a billion US dollars worldwide on licenses.

Unequal distribution of funding The analysis of funding in Europe showed that Google mainly supports established, commercial and Western European publishers. From 140 millions between 2015 and 2019 were issued through the Digital News Initiative, three quarters went to commercial publishers and five percent went to non-profit media. The rest went to individuals, research institutes, publicly funded media and non-journalistic organizations.

heise online has also participated in Google’s Digital News Initiative funding program: the funds were used to support our open source project Embetty. Embetty enables social media content to be embedded in websites in a privacy-friendly manner. If a visitor calls up a page with Embetty content, no data is transmitted to the operators of the social networks. We originally submitted Embetty to Google under the name c’t Content Shariff, which is why the project can be found there under this name.

The data for Germany show that regional publishers also fare worse than large companies. According to the study, the top recipients are Wirtschaftswoche, Deutsche Welle and Handelsblatt.

Google against ancillary copyright For years, Google has been confronted with accusations of profiting from the journalistic content of the publishers – without paying for it, but at the same time challenging them for advertising income. In Germany, as in other countries, an ancillary copyright is therefore being discussed. It will become part of the EU reform of copyright law. France is already forcing Google to negotiate with publishers about remuneration for the use of content. Australia is planning arbitration proceedings for license agreements, which Google is opposed to.

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Now an article on says about the investigation: “By reconstructing the genesis of Google’s funding programs, we can show that they were a reaction to the increasing media-political pressure of the publishing houses in the 2010 years. ” Before the Digital News Initiative was set up, there was already a media fund in France – it was supposed to end a debate about the publishers’ participation in Google’s advertising revenue. And so the interviewees also drew a picture of Google’s initiatives as PR measures to “mend the broken relationship with the media and avert regulation”.

No influence on the reporting The respondents also stated that Google n


PHP: Composer 2.0 revised the resolution of dependencies

Composer, the open source framework for dependency management for PHP applications, is available in version 2.0. In addition to some changes, the update brings fundamental innovations and revises the error reporting. The primary goal of the update is to improve the performance of the framework.

Jordi Boggiano, the developer behind the framework, has revised the protocol that is used between Composer and is used. In addition, changes have been made to the architecture, such as the way dependency updates are performed internally. For developers, these changes are intended to result in more deterministic updates. The used local status of the vendor directory should no longer hinder updates.

Improved performance and new runtime features With With the changes to the resolution of dependencies and the parallel downloading of files with the help of adapted curl and constraint evaluation, the development team would like to improve both speed and memory usage. In addition, the use of require or remove and partial updates will be faster, since Composer now only loads the metadata of the packages that are changed.

The developers behind the framework have also added a new platform check step to Composer. When initializing vendor / autoload.php it is checked whether the PHP version / extension used matches what is stated in the dependencies is expected, and fails on the other side.

Better error reporting In addition, there is a new class Composer InstalledVersions , which the framework loads automatically in every project and is available in runtime should. The development team has also worked on bug reporting, which is supposed to show more clearly when dependencies cannot be resolved.

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