
Centrally control several conferences: New admin functions in VNCtalk 3.0

With the new version 3.0, Virtual Network Consult AG (VNC) is updating its video conference software VNCtalk. The most important new function is the Multi-Conference-Board (MCB). It is aimed at the administrator who can use it to manage several meetings at the same time via a central dashboard.

Specifically, the audio and video settings can be changed , but also control, record and archive the whiteboard or screen sharing of the participants. In addition, user roles and access authorizations can be managed in the dashboard. All of this works for both planned and ongoing conferences.

Furthermore, VNCtalk 3.0 integrates the VNCmessenger. If desired, users can also use the chat application to manage documents, start new conferences or whiteboard sessions and share their screen. Readers can find all information about the new functions on the provider’s website. VNC emphasizes that its own software is based on open source components and thus offers itself as an alternative to US providers.

For VNCtalk there are desktop clients for Windows, macOS and Linux, also for iOS and Android apps are available. Alternatively, the software can be used in the browser. The develop


Italian authorities are investigating deepfake bots on Telegram

The Italian Data Protection Authority has started an investigation into the widespread use of bots that generate fake nude images on messaging app Telegram. The news follows an investigation by security firm Sensity, which found that as of July 2020 more than 100,000 faked images had been generated and shared in public Telegram channels.

The bots can generate fake nudes that have watermarks or that show only partial nudity, and users pay to “reveal” the whole image. Users could submit a photo of a woman to the bot and receive a version of the photo back with clothing “removed” and no indication that the image had been altered. And according to Sensity, a limited number of the bot-generated images, most of which are pulled from social media accounts and then manipulated, are of victims who “appeared to be underage.”

Sensity found that the fake nudes were generated by the DeepNude software, which surfaced online last year. Its creator took down the website saying “the probability that people will misuse it is too high.” According to Sensity, however, the software has been reverse-engineered and is widely available on open source repositories and torrenting websites.

“The ease of use of this program makes anyone with a p


US music industry has open source download tool youtube-dl blocked on GitHub

The popular open source tool youtube-dl no longer has a usable GitHub repository, at least for the time being: With a so-called DMCA takedown request against – alleged or actual – copyright infringements, the RIAA interest group of the US music industry has achieved that the source code of the project hosted on GitHub, including numerous forks, is no longer accessible. The command line program youtube-dl can be used to download content from streaming platforms such as Youtube.

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Also many forks blocked GitHub publishes the request (with omissions) as usual, in which in addition to the repository of ytdl-org also 17 Fork projects are listed that have also been blocked. The allegation is that the software was developed with the express aim of downloading YouTube videos, for example, which constitutes a copyright infringement, since the corresponding license for this content typically only allows streaming.

On the homepage of the You can currently only find repositories from youtube-dl on the DMCA takedown notice. The source code is not deleted – if it later turns out that the request was unauthorized, the content could be made accessible again. The software itself has not disappeared from the world, of course, the software can still be downloaded from the project website. ) The free and cross-platform availability (for Windows, Linux and macOS) and the concentration on the main task in the background have certainly contributed to the popularity of the helper software for media downloads, accordingly there are several graphical essays for operation and many forks. Originally youtube-dl was developed to work with Youtube, but hundreds of other platforms have been added over time. There are also reports that the maintainers of some forks are also said to have received a warning from the RIAA.



Best of Freedom of Information: Laws on the Internet – but please correct

It is a big break with German Internet traditions that is looming: The new legal information portal of the federal government, which runs the portals gesetze-im-internet.de, verwaltungsbedingungen-im-internet.de and Rechtssprechung-im-internet. de is supposed to merge will probably not be found under the domain rechtsinformationportal-im-internet.de. Resourceful citizens will probably have to decide on their own initiative that the online portal they are surfing on is on the Internet.

Free information is a Prerequisite for democracy. Hence: The “Best of Freedom of Information”, every two weeks, by Arne Semsrott. He is the project manager of FragDenStaat and a freelance journalist. He works on the topics of freedom of information, transparency, lobbying and migration policy.

Searchable and central federal portal The federal government is planning have been renewing their outdated online portals for legal information for several years. In the coming years – who knows for sure – the time has finally come: Laws, regulations and jurisprudence should be searchable in a central federal portal and accessible as open data. At least there is money for this: For the development and operation of the legal information portal 2011 1.6 million euros are earmarked, in each of the following years around 800.000 Euro.

A first official mockup of what the new portal could look like was provided by Fellows from Tech4Germany this week, whose draft is to be followed by an official concept and then a finished portal. This should then be integrated into the new cycle of e-legislation and e-proclamation, with which the federal government – also announced for years – wants to enable the electronic execution of legislative processes.

Competence wrangling Whether the new portal but actually uses its full potential remains to be seen. First of all, the legendary competence disputes between the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of the Interior stand in the way of a good portal. Some are responsible for laws, others for administrative regulations. And the jurisprudence is something else again.

After that, a decisive question will be whether the portal will actually become open source or whether one of the usual consultancy agencies will receive a multi-million dollar contract from the federal government. The open source idea is likely to be central to the federal legal information portal. Already 2011 the “Bundesgit” project demonstrated that versioning and linking of legislative processes is possible with a correct representation of laws and draft laws. So far, even officials of the Federal Ministry of Justice have had to laboriously rummage through legal gazettes if they want to know which law was changed when and how and which case law was there.

Publishers seal off legal databases under copyright law However, once these questions have been resolved, the central problem still remains: The Federal Government’s data sources are rather poor. The Federal Government has outsourced the distribution of the Federal Law Gazette and the Joint Ministerial Gazette to private publishers, the legal information


JavaScript: KendoReact 4.0 supports React 17

Telerik, a manufacturer of developer tools such as Kendo UI and RadControls, has released version 4 of its tool for developing user interfaces (UI) KendoReact. The commercial library is aimed at React developers and consists of UI and data visualization components.

The new features of KendoReact include, among others support for Facebook’s open source JavaScript library React 17, which was only released this week, and an update of the display options for the Avatar component. Developers can add KendoReact packages to their applications via the package manager npm.

License key required One of the main innovations is that KendoReact Now with the fourth major version, all users (test users as well as developers with a license) asks to enter a license key when adding the library to their React projects. The browser issues a warning message for this in the console.

The key can be obtained on the one hand by registering for a free trial version or on the other hand by purchasing a license. The blog post on the announcement offers detailed instructions for activation.

The update removes outdated dropdowns and butts


iSH: Apple lets Linux shell in the App Store

Apple has surprisingly approved the Linux environment iSH Shell for distribution in the App Store, so that the app can now be downloaded directly to iPhones and iPads. iSH is based on Alpine Linux and contains a number of common command line programs such as wget, curl and Vi, running Linux software in the app is made possible via x 86 emulation.

iSH can also be integrated into Apple’s preinstalled files app via a file provider extension, allowing access to its own file system – and copying files to other iOS apps.

iSH so far only outside the app store The APK package manager had to be due will be removed from Apple’s restrictions, it says on the Github page of the project, but a subsequent installation is easily possible. The open source project has been around for almost two years, but not yet in the App Store. Interested parties previously had the option of compiling the app themselves and installing it via sideloading – or using the AltStore sideloading tool to bring it to the iPhone or iPad. iSH Shell was also distributed via Apple’s Testflight beta test system, but the number of possible users remains limited.

The Linux shell is free and is already running from iOS 11. The iSH Shell can only be downloaded from the age of 17 because it offers “unrestricted access to the web” according to Apple’s descriptive text.

Reload the code at Apple actually undesirable Whether Apple consciously or inadvertently allowed the iSH Shell remains open for the time being – the app is currently still available. Apple’s app store rules actually include the ban on apps from “downloading, installing or executing” new code if this results in functions


Green-red: City of Munich should quickly develop five open source projects

The green-red alliance, which has been in power in Munich since spring, wants to fulfill promises from its coalition agreement and, despite the end of the Linux-based desktop project LiMux, again rely more on free software. The two government factions have now launched an application package. Among other things, it provides for the IT department to propose five projects to the city council that are to be implemented as open source in the short term.

Free software wherever possible According to the coalition agreement, new software for administration should generally be developed with open source code and made freely available wherever this is “technically and financially possible” . In the application, Grün-Rot now explains: “Necessary criteria” for the selection as an open source project are also the performance and user-friendliness of the programs in productive use. If a project is classified as unsuitable for this route, “this decision must be made known to the IT committee and substantiated”.

The “first stage” are to form the five projects available in the foreseeable future, for which the coalition does not initially make any further specifications. From the 4th quarter 2021 on, new individual software will be “developed on the basis of open source”. The office packages Open Office and LibreOffice were explicitly not included.

Development on a public repository The relevant source code is according to the plan made publicly available under a “permissive” license such as the MIT or the European Public License (EUPL). The EUPL, which has been adapted to European law, is expressly compatible with the better-known GNU General Public License (GPL) in version 2. External contributions should be made possible on the basis of special rules, whereby “no liability is assumed and no support can be provided”.

“The development takes place from the beginning on a suitable public repository such as https : //github.com/it-at-m, also on an internal mirror like https://git.muenchen.de, “says the application. The user manual must at least be available in German. Furthermore, “open, exchangeable interfaces must be used”. Additional expenses due to “clean code”, ie following a code for clean source code, are “basically to be borne in the project”.

The IT department should also train developers in the area of ​​open source “depending on Application area on Windows, Linux or other operating systems and platforms “. The open source community should be encouraged to participate in the corresponding projects of the state capital.

Unbureaucratic and unconventional Another proposal is new, according to which the IT department will set up an “open source hub”. At the center, employees “with dedicated human and financial resources” as well as “committed external parties should be able to work together on open source IT solutions for the state capital”. Green-Red wants to give free software “the priority now required in the coalition agreement”. The aim is to find “unbureaucratic and unconventionally innovative solutions for small and large IT projects in the city”.

Two other projects are already part of the coalition agreement and are now to be tackled. The city will therefore maintain a publicly accessible “IT dashboard” including a cost balance. This should show which software is used in the municipality and its own operations. The aim is to illustrate the extent to which free software is already running and where this is planned.

Green-Red also wants to allow “technically qualified” programmers to do a “sabbatical” for “a certain time “to work hard on open source projects. The scholarship should be compensated “at an attractive rate” and advertised internationally, whereby a “special interest” in applications from women should be included in the advert. The coalition justifies this with the fact that free software “promotes the common good”.

“Public Money, Public Code” All in all, Grün-Red wants with the package that is still from the St


1Password: Client of the online password management for Linux

The 1Password project has presented the first beta version of its online password manager for the Linux desktop. The project manages passwords, keys, certificates, credit card data, addresses and other access information for companies, teams, families and individuals on its servers and offers access via different platforms.

System clients for macOS, iOS, Windows, Android, Chrome OS and the Linux console have been available so far, as well as the web client 1Password X for Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge. For the new Linux app, the developers promise a high level of integration into the Linux desktop with all the usual comfort and support for biometric login procedures.

The basics: Rust, Ring, React The backend is completely written in Rust and uses the ring crypto library for end-to-end encryption, as well as React for the component-based user interface. The developers want to guarantee tamper-proof, authenticated encryption, brute force protection with PBKDF2, secure vault release and account recovery. The security design can be found in the 1Password whitepaper.

The new Linux app is equipped with a quick search in the accounts including search suggestions. The unlock screen shows all the accounts that have been set up and allows the use of different passwords. The watchtower dashboard also provides suggestions for increasing password security. In addition, individual elements can be released and the releases overlooked in the “Move elements” dialog box. The account data can also be exported.

The main window of 1Password under Ubuntu

(Image: 1Password)

You need an account at 1password.com to use it. The prices depend on the account type. Available are: Individual, Family, Team, Business and Enterprise. The service includes automatic warnings about compromised websites and vulnerable passwords, one-to-one support, a digital wallet and a travel mode with which sensitive data on devices carried at border crossings can be deleted and then restored.

Free of charge for open source projects 1Password will set up free accounts for open source teams. All you need to do is register via the GitHub page 1Password for Open Source Projects.

The binaries of the Linux desktop app are available as apt and RPM packages for Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux and the Snap Store. There is also an AppImage for not yet supported distrib


Web Programming with Blazor WebAssembly, Part 1: Web API Calls and Rendering

In contrast to Blazor Server, the WebAssembly variant of ASP.NET Core Blazor executes the C # program code in the web browser as a true single-page web application. In contrast to the Blazor server variant, a Blazor WebAssembly can also work offline – it only needs to contact the server to load and persist data. Figure 1 shows the comparison of the two architectures. Details on the architectural differences were given in the article “Alternatives to JavaScript?”.

Part 1: Web API Calls and Data Rendering Part 2: Input controls and JavaScript interoperability Part 3: Authentication and authorization Part 4: State management and reloading of modules Part 5: Bidirectional communication and notifications Architecture alternatives: Comparison of Blazor Server with Blazor Webassembly (Fig. 1)

(Image: Holger Schwichtenberg)

Requirements The first version of Blazor WebAssembly is under version number 3.2 on 19. May 2020 published. The tutorial already covers the improved successor, version number 5.0. The following software is required for this:

. NET 5.0 Software Development Kit (SDK), at least version “Release Candidate 2” (after installation for checking on the command line dotnet –version (enter . Visual Studio 2019, at least version 16.8th. The tutorial is based on Release Candidate 2 of .NET 5.0. Even if Microsoft has issued a “go-live” license for productive use for this, it is possible that APIs will still change and that the program code shown here with subsequent versions will not run without modifications.

While the .NET 5.0 SDK is permanently free of charge, only the preview versions of Visual Studio are completely free of charge. Of the stable version, only the community version is free. This is technically sufficient for the tutorial articles, but is subject to legal restrictions. The creation of open source applications as well as the use for online or face-to-face training or for academic research purposes are also permitted in larger companies. The tutorial could be understood as “research”. If you do not want to install preview versions, you can also use the stable version 16. 7 using Visual Studio with .NET Core 3.1 SDK. The tutorial will point out a few functions that are then not available. In terms of content, it assumes that developers are familiar with .NET Core, C #, Web APIs or REST services, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

betterCode () presents: .NET 5.0 – The online event on December 3rd 2020 You can learn that:

From .NET Framework via .NET Core to .NET 5.0: What does this mean for the migration, and how big is the effort? What’s new in .NET 5.0? New features: Get to know ASP.NET Core 5.0 and Blazor 5.0 The most important language innovations in C # 9 Mobile development with .NET 5 OR mapping with Entity Framework Core 5.0 WinUI 3 as an alternative to WPF and UWP Outlook on .NET 6.0 Case study “MiracleList” As part of a three-part iX – tutorials (see , [2] and is 2017 the single-page web application “MiracleList” for task management with TypeScript, Angular and Twitter Bootstrap as well as various freely available controls was created. “MiracleList” is based on the web application and app “WunderList”, which the company Microsoft 2015 for over 100 Bought million dollars and then 2020 in favor of “Microsoft ToDo” buried.

This tutorial will now reprogram the same web application with ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly. The result is shown in Figure 2, which can be viewed live on the Internet. Readers can find the source code (initial status, intermediate status and final status in branches) on GitHub.

MiracleList has task categories (see left in Fig. 2), a list of tasks in each category (middle) and a task processing area on the right, which is only displayed on a case-by-case basis.

MiracleList with Blazor WebAssembly (Fig. 2)

The tutorial will access the backend available in the cloud. In order to be able to use this, users have to apply for a “Client ID” there.

Microsoft supplies a project template in the .NET SDK for Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly with. These templates can be accessed via the command line ( dotnet new ) or use Visual Studio. The tutorial should not start with this project template, but with a specially created one that readers can download from GitHub. The advantage is that the necessary design elements (CSS, graphics) are already included and all unnecessary examples are removed from the standard project template. Otherwise there would be many individual, error-prone steps.

Users open the file MiracleList.sln via File | Open | Project / Solution in Visual Studio and then see a “MiracleList” project folder with three projects in the Solution Explorer (see Fig. 3 on the right):

“MiracleListBW” (Target Framework: .NET 5.0): the Blazor WebAssembly-based frontend ” MiracleListAPI_Proxy “(.NET Standard 2.0): Proxy classes for the MiracleList backend, generated from the Open API Specification (OAS) with NSwagStudio. “BO” (.NET Standard 2.0): common business objects that are used in the backend and in the frontend Who is not .NET 5.0, but the old Blazor WebAssembly 3.2 use, the project file MiracleListBW 32. csproj instead of MiracleListBW.csproj in the project folder.

Now it is recommended to use the application for Test to translate ( Build / Build Solution ) and then to start, either with Debug / Start Debugging [/cpas] (F5 key) or [caps] View in browser in the context menu of the project. If everything works correctly on the PC, you can see the web application with two menu items (Fig. 3).

Starting point for the tutorial (Fig. 3)

It should be noted that WebAssembly is generally only implemented in modern web browsers – i.e. not in Internet Explorer. For software developers, debugging from Visual Studio currently requires a Chromium-based web browser, i.e. the latest generation of Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Developers select the browser for debugging in the menu shown in Figure 4 in the Visual Studio toolbar.

Choice of the web browser to start debugging (Fig. 4)

The template project supplied is structured as follows:

There is a folder wwwroot with CSS and graphic files (including Bootstrap u


HUAWEI presents the new Mate 40 series! Record-breaking photographic performance and more. Prices

The new HUAWEI Mate 40 that take a series that has led the way in professional photography on smartphones to an even higher level. HUAWEI P 40 Pro already pre-orderable with an avalanche of offers and exclusive benefits. Here’s everything you need to know.

by Bruno Mucciarelli published , at 14: 31 in the Telephony channel


HUAWEI today announces the launch of HUAWEI Mate 40 Series , the new range of smartphones that has always revolutionized the smartphone photography market. Now the new line of HUAWEI Mate 40 continues to enclose the best of the Chinese company’s technology, confirming the desire to further increase the level of its smartphones thanks to innovation and technological development.

There are ten Mate devices presented in the last eight years. The latest addition now integrates the best industry technology currently on the market, at least according to the Chinese company. The new HUAWEI Mate series 40 was designed and conceived to create an increasingly exciting smartphone experience for users: from performance to innovative modes of interaction. There are HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro and HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro + which incorporate the 5-nanometer 5G SoC , the system Ultra Vision Cine Camera and the iconic Space Ring Design .

Richard Yu, Executive Director and CEO of Huawei Consumer Business Group said: ?? Thanks to its continued dedication to innovation, every year HUAWEI Mate Series brings the most advanced technology to the market. This is what really defines Mate’s DNA. In this unprecedented historical moment, we are increasingly committed to creating a better future, thanks to our technology that has a positive and significant impact on the lives of consumers. In the future, we will continue to work alongside our partners to bring consumers seamless connectivity of our 1 + 8 + N ecosystem ????.

HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro and Mate 40 Pro +: the way I am

Change the aesthetics of the new HAUWEI Mate 40 Pro and Mate 40 Pro + but in fact the company tries to start from what has been done well with the P 40 Pro and P 40 Pro + of a few months ago. The design in this case is combined with innovative technology. Here is the so-called Horizon Display with angles from 88 ° that promote immersive viewing in a compact design. In this case, the curvature makes the smartphone comfortable to hold in the hand. There is IP certification 68 for resistance to dust and water, and the possibility of choosing between physical and virtual keys, as well as algorithms that prevent errors of typing.

OS (at launch) Android 10 (Opensource) with EMUI 02
Processor Kirin 9000 at 5nm
Display OLED 6.7 “Quad HD + – Refresh Rate 90 Hz
Resolution 2772 x 1344 px
Storage (at launch) 256 GB + NMCard up to 256 GB
Rear Camera

Triple Camera:

Main 50 MP (f / 1.9) +

Wide angle 14 MP (f / 1.8) +

Tele Periscope 12 MP (f / 3.4) 5X OIS Optical Zoom

4K UHD Video

Front Camera 11 MP (f / 2.4) +

3D Depth Sensor



Fingerprint sensor

IP Certification – 68

Doors USB Type-C
Battery 4. 400 mAh + Quick Charge + Wireless Charging
Dimensions 162. 9 x 75. 5 x 9.1 mm
Weight 212 gr

Nice to look at and use new HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro and HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro + which see the presence of a smaller and more technological front camera, with 3D Face Unlock , an ultra wide angle selfie camera with accurate motion sensor. And on the back? Looking at the back of the devices, you notice the brand new Space Ring Design , the evolution of the now iconic HUAWEI Mate Series circular design. HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro is available in Black and White , in addition to a very particular Mystic Silver , characterized by an iridescent finish. It is also available in two variants in vegan leather in Sunflower Yellow and Olive Green colors . HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro + offers a nano back panel ceramic in two iconic colors, Ceramic White and Ceramic Black.

The new HUAWEI Mate 40 Series, however, are also pure power. The Chinese company developed the very powerful Kirin 2020 which for the first time will power the most powerful Mate ever. The CPU is fully 5G ready, capable of handling intensive computing processes and multi-tasking operations with ease, at least according to its engineers. Kirin 9000 is made with a 5nm production process , offers performance improved as well as an energy management compared to the superior predecessors.

The processor guarantees advanced graphics performance, as well as an audiovisual experience for even more engaging gameplay. Present the display from 90 Hz which works in conjunction with the sampling rate a 240 Hz for greater responsiveness and ovens tactile feedback corresponding to the visual experience. And if that’s not enough, here is the entertainment side there are also two stereo speakers to create an all-encompassing surround sound.

HUAWEI Mate 40 Series has an important autonomy to keep up with the needs of 5G. The battery is 4. 400 mAh but above all it supports fast charging from 66 W HUAWEI SuperCharge and from 50 W HUAWEI Wireless SuperCharge.

The camera system available on HUAWEI Mate 40 Series is realized once again in partnership with Leica and sees a drastic improvement as far as it concerns the ultra wide angle lens, a powerful high definition main camera, a new generation telephoto lens and much more. HUAWEI decides to integrate systems of Dual Cine Cameras and Dual Ultra Wide Cameras with viewing angle expanded capable of allowing users to capture high quality video and images. On a technical level the main chamber results from 50 MP with focal aperture from f / 1.9 while the Ultra Wide Angle one reaches i 20 MP with f / 1.8.

At the video level, HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro and HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro + still increase their potential. Capturing 4K video content becomes easier thanks to the Steady Shot,
while l? ? XD Fusion HDR Engine ensures balance in exposure, even in the case of extreme light contrasts. Further new features are the Tracking Shot and Story Creator , offering realistic cinematic effects. You can also easily add background music, filters and effects. Audio compartment includes Audio Focus, Audio Zoom , for high fidelity sound recording from connected Bluetooth devices.

Image quality has been further enhanced with Full Pixel Octa PD AutoFocus . Improved distortion correction targets the face, body and limbs, making the ultra wide angle lens more useful in many situations. HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro has a periscope optical lens to support the hybrid zoom 10 x and digital zoom 50 x , and HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro + goes even further , with a camera with dual telephoto lens enabling hybrid zoom at 20 x and digital zoom a 100 x.

HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro and HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro + see the EMUI integrated 11 of new concept based on Android 01 Open Source. There are tons of new features in it like the Smart Gesture Control which allows control of the device without the need to use fingers. Simply swipe your hand over your smartphone to activate it or navigate with all supported swipes left, right, up or down. A system for answering phone calls is included that works with a single hand gesture.

HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro also uses the new dynamic Eyes on Display which allows to activate the smartphone with a simple glance, with interactive and customizable displays that contain all the information the user needs on the phone. The volume of the ringing of unwanted incoming calls can be lowered simply by looking at the device, while the auto-sleep function can be disabled automatically as soon as the user looks at the display.

Then there is the functionality MeeTime for video calls but also the function Multi-screen Collaboration to make the smartphone work as a notepad. Regarding privacy and security, the EMUI operating system has always been characterized by complete security solutions to ensure maximum security for users. The Trusted Execution Environment OS is CC EAL5 + certified, the highest level of security for the microkernel on the market. EMUI 11 also has new functions of privacy. While transferring images, users can easily delete personal sensitive data such as location, time and device details before the file is sent. Encrypted reminders make personal notes private by protecting the content with a PIN or biometric data.

HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro and Mate 40 Pro +: prices and availability

HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro is available exclusively in pre-order from today at the Huawei Store, in Black and Mystic Silver colors, at the recommended retail price of 1. 249 ?? .

Attention because who pre-orders it or completes the purchase of HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro by 15 November , will receive Huawei FreeBuds Pro included in the price (commercial value 179, 00 ?? ), plus 6 months of Huawei Music, 3 months subscription to Huawei Video is 50 GB of extra space on HUAWEI Cloud for 12 months.

Also all those who buy HUAWEI Mate on the Huawei Store 40 Pro, HUAWEI FreeBuds Studio, HUAWEI X Gentle Monster II and other products, will receive 30 euro discount each 200 euro of shopping, directly in the cart.