
AWS is planning a new open source design system for the graphical user interface

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has converted the graphical user interface (UI) of the porting assistant for .NET into open source. The tool itself was already open source, but not its UI: From now on, your source code is also available under the Apache 2.0 license. .NET developers can now view, change and edit the source code of the tool and its UI.

The porting tool is intended for .NET developers to use the Support migration of your applications to .NET Core. It scans applications created with the .NET Framework and advises developers on necessary adjustments for .NET Core. .NET Core is the open source variant of .NET, which was previously restricted to Windows and which also runs on Linux.

Foundation stone from React components The AWS development team announces in the blog post that the release of AWS UI is the foundation stone for the construction of a new open source design system. Alongside the opening of the source code for the Porting Assistant, AWS has published a collection of React components that are used in the AWS graphical user interface (AWS UI).

The UI is based on the JavaScript framework React (originally initiated by Facebook) and the cross-platform project Electron, which is used to create applications with JavaScript, HTML and CSS. The cross-platform ability to exchange libraries between web and desktop should have made the difference.

Cross-platform design According to AWS, the wizard for the graphic user interface of .NET is created with React and the Electron framework. Individual components such as the Porting Assistant for the .NET data storage and analysis engine with information on the compatibility of packages are already open source accessible. Regarding the future development of the more comprehensive “new open source design system”, the AWS team is still keeping a low profile apart from the current blog announcement, apparently the project is still in its early stages.

Further information is in on the AWS blog announcement. The source code can be found in the GitHub repository, and documentation is available for the porting tool.



Embarcadero mother Idera buys Austrian API provider apilayer

The Texan company Idera has taken over the Austrian start-up apilayer, which offers API services for access to real-time data such as weather, geographic position and currency conversion.

The Vienna-based company apilayer lists various reference customers on its website, including Airbnb, Amazon, Apple and Slack. According to the press release on the takeover, apilayer has a total of 500. 000 Customers.

Weather, phone numbers and cryptocurrency The Cloud-based API offers are divided into four areas:

Searching or looking up information such as IP Addresses via the ipapi interface or speech recognition via the API languagelayer, the verification of telephone numbers via numverify or European VAT rates via vatlayer, various data APIs, including those for exchange rates via currencylayer and the rates of crypto currencies via coinlayer or for access to weather data via weatherstack and converting content via pdflayer to create PDF files from HTML content or screenshots in PNG format to a URL. The services are available in different tariffs, starting with a free offer that is limited to 500 views per month and real-time data, for example. In addition to different query contingents, the chargeable tariffs offer additional information such as weather forecast and astronomical data.

In addition to the REST API, there is an open source implementation for numerous interfaces for using the APIs in programming languages ​​such as JavaScript, Go or PHP . The associated repositories can be found on GitHub.

Step-grandma of the Borland subsidiary Das Idera, founded in the year 1000 as BBS Technologies, offers numerous tools and services for databases, software development and testing. In the end 2015 it has taken over the essential part of Borland tools like Delphi and C ++ Builder with Embarcadero. The latter ended up in the course of the 2008 takeover of the Borland subsidiary CodeGear at Embarcadero, which, with RAD Studio, offers an environment for C ++ and Delphi, but continues to do so has the two IDEs separately in its portfolio.

Further details can be found in the press release on the takeover, which, however, does not mention the exact conditions and price.



Astian Translate: Open source translations in nine languages

With Translate, Astian publishes a new translation service that appears as free software. At the start the program can handle nine languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic and Chinese. The automatic recognition of the input is still experimental.

Users can try the service on the Astian operated, but the software also provide it on your own server. The associated API can be found on GitHub, including instructions for setting up and configuring. The Astian server is only intended for test purposes.

In future, not only as a single service Under the hood, the service is based on Argos Translate. The translation software, which is also free, can be used directly as a desktop application or Python library. Astian plans to integrate Translate into its other open source projects such as the Midori browser or its own cloud platform.

Find all information about Translate himself in the announcement of the project. The Translate API is under the AGPL 3.0, Argos Translate under the MIT license. Suppliers such as Google, Microsoft and Amazon also offer translation services, but these are proprietary software. For example, AWS considers its AI to be fit enough for call center use.



Contact tracking: Two thirds of the health authorities rely on fax & Co.

By the end of 2020, according to plans of the federal government 90 percent of the 375 Health authorities in Germany use the “Surveillance Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System” (Sormas), which the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research (HZI) in Braunschweig developed to combat Ebola and last year added a Sars-Cov-2-specific module. With 111 from 375 of the authorities, it was only around two thirds at the turn of the year.

This was announced by the Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Health, Thomas Gebhart (CDU), in response to a request from the health policy spokeswoman for the Greens in the Bundestag, Maria Klein-Schmeink, With. Sormas is therefore in about 33 percent of the health authorities initially only “set up and operational”. All these institutions are to 31. December but was at least able to use the German electronic reporting and information system for infection protection (Demis).

Sormas is supposed to help, for example with the new Identify coronavirus infected people more quickly and inform all health facilities involved across county borders in real time. The tracking of contacts and the documentation of symptoms is simplified via the system that can be used via mobile app and the web. The software is open source and can be used free of charge. It meets the criteria of the “Global Goods Maturity Matrix for Digital Health Software” benchmark, so it is rated as good in points such as its ability to be integrated into a broad user and programmer community and data security.

Contact tracing too slow Observers consider it problematic that the vast majority of the offices of the solution are still giving the cold shoulder. If many of the ever more stringent corona measures were justified by the fact that chains of infection could hardly or no longer be traced.

“With the current infection figures, we can use Stone Age methods such as manual recording or typing Excel spreadsheets can no longer be used to track contacts, “emphasizes Klein-Schmeink. “All health departments must now be connected to Sormas as quickly as possible. Even if that means a show of strength.”

The FDP member of the Bundestag Hagen Reinhold called it a “disaster” that most health authorities “in the Corona -Crisis continues to only communicated by fax and scraps of paper “. This programmed the breakdown of contact tracing in many federal states. At present, data and findings are still being scanned by hand, compared twice, and addresses and telephone numbers are typed in. The information must be “exchanged quickly, digitally and in compliance with data protection regulations”.

Country matter The Federal Ministry of Health referred to the Funke media group that the “responsibility for equipping the health offices and thus the decision on the use of digital aids lies with the federal states and the health offices themselves”. The federal government can only act supportively in this context. According to the reports, many authorities had their own isolated solutions developed as early as the spring and summer, but they are not networked with one another.

The federal and state governments agreed on a “Pact for the Public Health Service” in September. They wanted to create “interoperability across all levels” and accelerate reporting. The respective health authorities are responsible for the operation of Sormas; they also decide on access to the stored data. The system is hosted on a separate virtual server for each office. The HZI has not yet submitted an official data protection impact assessment.



Android’s upcoming Hibernation feature will reduce the size of apps you are not using

The team at the Android Open Source Project is working on a feature called “hibernation”, which will reduce the memory footprint of apps you are not using. This feature is still in the early stages of development, but may be included in Android 12 (no official release date, but the Developer Preview of Android 11 came out in February 2020).

What’s hibernation, anyway? Well, if a single user of a multi-user device chooses to hibernate an app, the app cache associated with that user will be cleared, freeing up a bit of space. That is already implemented.

The more interesting question is happens when all users of the Android device hibernate an app, especially since most devices have only one user set up. Since it’s not implemented yet, it is not clear what the OS will do in this case.

From the name of the feature, it sounds like the app will not be permanently uninstalled, but there may be a way to compress it to save space (along with the usual cache clearing). Later, it could be uncompressed if the user wants to wake the app from hibernation.

Note: this hibernation feature appears to be completely unrelated (besides its name) to the hibernation function offered by some apps and Xposed modules, which pauses app execution similar to Android’s built in Doze state.

Source | Via 1 | Via 2


Google blocks private API for Chromium-based browsers

Google’s synchronization functions are only intended for Chrome. Therefore, an API that was previously used by Chromium-based browsers is now blocked in order to also offer the functions. Browser providers can only go up to 15. March to access Google’s “private Chrome APIs”. This affects more than synchronization.

In the short blog post, Google does not explain which other browsers are affected. “Chrome Sync and Click to Call are for Google only.” Some users would have been able to log in to their Google account with third-party providers and synchronize bookmarks and history. Those affected can still access their data, but via their Google account. Locally stored data will still be available locally. To get an insight, there is the “My Activities” page, and your own data can be downloaded via Google Takeout. According to a recent review, Google only found out that the API was being used.

The blocking also applies to Google’s spelling correction, the translator and the contacts interface . If you look at the keys list on the Chromium project page, you could almost think that Google lost its nerve for a short time, so much is highlighted in yellow and declared as unavailable in capital letters.

Google exploited By using Google’s APIs, server capacities have also been automatically occupied, and the development of Google has been pushed forward, not under the open source umbrella . Google had already blocked other access to its own functions, such as the Hangouts API.

Chromium-based browsers include Microsoft’s new Edge, Vivaldi and Opera. Edge can sync tabs and history, but users must be signed in with a Microsoft account. It is unlikely that the data will then pass through Google. It is still unclear which browsers used the API.

What this step means for the Chromium packages offered by many Linux distributions is still unclear. Users on Reddit and in the associated Google Groups forum fear that the sync functions could be omitted for these users. Several project managers at least received an e-mail with a corresponding warning, but there is no confirmation of the step or Google denial.

More about browsers can be found in the uplink:



Text editor nano 5.5: On request without a title bar, but with a minibar

In the new version 5.5, the nano project expands its text editor for the command line with several new functions. Among other things, set minibar removes the title bar of the program and instead adds a bar at the bottom with information about the open document. Here you can find the name of the file, the position of the cursor and the character under the latter. In addition, nano displays information here that would otherwise be output by state flags , including automatic indentation, hard or soft line breaks and macro recordings.

Furthermore, with set promptcolor the color palette of the prompt bar can be changed so that the user can use it can be better distinguished from the new minibar – the latter always uses the colors of the title bar. Another new function concerns the search: With the option set markmatch nano always places the cursor at the end of a found term and hides it until the next entry by the user. The latter can be prevented manually with set showcursor .

With the new release, the developers also have one function removed: S-Lang no longer supports the project. All information on this and the new version 5.5 can be found on the project website. GNU nano appears as free software under the open source license GPLv3 and is included with many Linux distributions, but can also be used with BSDs and macOS. Version 5.0 was released in the middle 2020 and introduced several new functions for programmers.



Linux boots for the first time on ARM Macs

Corellium, a specialist in the virtualization of ARM devices, has succeeded in porting the Linux kernel to Apple’s new M1 ARM processor. In a tweet, the company shows with a photo that the kernel is booting on the M1 Mac. The necessary code should be open source.

Corellium CTO Chris Wade points out, however, that the first version only runs on one processor core and does not yet bring USB support. An update with SMP and USB support is in progress. Before Linux can seriously be used on the new Macs, a lot more Apple-specific hardware needs to be supported – not least the graphics.

Also Hector “marcan “Martin wants to port Linux to the new Apple processors in a community-financed project. Asahi Linux, as it is called, is still in its infancy. Currently marcan is working on the bootloader m1n1, which is supposed to start the Linux kernel on the Apple hardware and to facilitate the examination of the Apple hardware.

It is ironic that Corellium, of all people, is the first to bring Linux to the M1 processor: Apple sued the company 2019 for software that allows iOS to be virtualized and the security researchers should facilitate the investigation of Apple’s mobile system. Just a few weeks ago a US court ruled that Correlium’s iOS virtualization is not a violation of Apple’s copyright.



Cluster recording: New app enables corona tracing at larger meetings

The Berlin start-up Videmic has published an app of the same name for tracking corona infection chains in large crowds in the App Store and on Google Play. The mobile tracing application saves stays in busy locations in the app’s user profile and thus enables cluster recording without scanning a QR code, as is necessary with the open source solution CrowdNotifier. Locating by GPS is also not required.

Proprietary technology records encounters Virus infections mainly take place in places where there are many people. However, this is exactly where the German government’s Corona Warning App (CWA) reaches its technical limits: In order to save energy, it only “listens” for codes for relevant encounters at very generous intervals. The distance measurement via Bluetooth is also not particularly accurate. On the basis of the given parameters, a longer meeting would only lead to a low risk assessment, even in a poorly ventilated room, if the people are not sitting close together.

In contrast to the CWA, “Videmic Tracing” does not use the Interface for the Covid 19 notification system (Exposure Notification Framework) integrated by Apple and Google in iOS and Android. It uses a proprietary solution with Bluetooth and WLAN to record encounters. The network access data generated by these technologies is used to approximate the location of a user.

For this, the solution evaluates the identifiers of the WLAN hotspot and the Bluetooth MAC Address (Media Access Control). In the normal user mode, this data is only temporarily stored during a stay at an event or with a Videmic partner and then deleted.

Encounters recorded decentrally More exciting is the chargeable “channel mode”, which masters the often requested clustering. A six-digit, individual access code is required for this. In this mode, the tracing app maintains Bluetooth connections to all other nearby iPhones and Android devices on which the application is installed. Users must also have successfully logged in. In addition, the app operates a temporary WLAN access point for clustering, for example in a lecture hall or at a trade fair stand. IP addresses are only temporarily stored during data transmission.

The channel mode can currently only be activated on Android smartphones. In this case, the app sends the set nickname or the “location” to all smartphones in the vicinity to record location data via Bluetooth and the temporary WLAN access point. These store this information if a user has stayed at the location for more than five minutes. The information on the encounter between people in spatial proximity can be determined implicitly and decentrally via the mobile phones from the location data collected.

Warning via external code Similar to the approach of the CWA, the warning is issued after obtaining a Tele-TAN by publishing a code that does not contain any information that can be used by external third parties. Due to the independence of Apple and Google, the transfer of personal data can only take place via servers in Germany. Furthermore, like the CWA, the app does not save any personal data centrally, explained Videmic managing director Silvia Wallner to heise online. After 14 days, the data stored on the visitors’ smartphones would be automatically deleted.

Videmic tracing is especially for events such as film – and music festivals, trade fairs, conferences, schools and universities as well as suitable for companies, emphasizes Wallner. The app can filter out and notify people with risk encounters from the digital visitor list. This would relieve the health authorities enormously.

The company has not carried out a data protection impact assessment. For acceptance in the app stores, however, the application “went through a rigorous assessment process”, said Wallner. Aspects to safeguard the privacy of the users would have played an important role here.

Costs arise depending on the size of the event Videmic Tracing celebrated its premiere in December at the Christmas lecture at the University of Bayreuth, a hybrid event with Federal Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD). The university used the app for location tracking and live recordings. Originally 90 people should be present in the Audimax. The number had been reduced again in view of the corona measures tightened shortly before the date, reported the head of the start-up. Over a thousand participants would have followed the lecture online with the Videmic solution and zoom.

The application is free for event visitors. Organizers can use it in advanced mode for automatic contact tracking and the production of live recordings. The costs for this depend on the size and duration of the event. Wallner did not give any details.



Bumpy start to school: Discussions about nationwide digital educational offers

The industry association Bitkom is in favor of a national education platform and criticizes the persistent problems in Germany with regard to digital distance learning. The fragmented digital educational offer is not expedient, explains Bitkom in a press release. Meanwhile, the learning platform Schul-Cloud of the Hasso Plattner Institute has seen a sharp increase in access numbers.

Bitkom President Berg criticizes that one year after the start Since the coronavirus pandemic, comprehensive digital lessons are still not possible: “One of the main problems are the platforms in the federal states, which are often unable to cope with the large number of users and collapse under the strain”. Since the start of school there have been problems with the accessibility of the educational platforms of the federal states and competing offers from private companies.

Integration of existing solutions In the press release, Bitkom also refers to the results of the education summit in September last year. The education ministers of the federal states drew up seven declarations of intent at the meeting, one of which formulated the step-by-step development of an educational platform by the federal government.

According to Achim Berg, the wheel does not have to be reinvented for this: “Good solutions that have already proven themselves need not be discarded, but can be incorporated into the development of a national educational platform. The digitization of schools must not fail because of the federal small and small, but requires a joint effort by municipalities, states and the federal government. ”

HPI’s school cloud relies on open source Software Meanwhile, the learning platform of the Hasso Plattner Institute is reporting user records. Since March 2020 the number of users of the HPI learning platform has increased almost thirty-fold, the institute announced on Friday.

In the meantime, almost 3400 schools used the platform. This number has increased tenfold since March. According to the HPI, at peak times up to 35 000 users can only use the integrated video conference system BigBlueButton. The open source and free HPI cloud is particularly widespread in Lower Saxony, Brandenburg and Thuringia.

Side by side of digital educational offers The HPI project primarily competes with solutions based on the open source platform Moodle. This includes the Bavarian learning platform Mebis, which, however, repeatedly struggles with technical problems. There are also a number of medium-sized solutions on the market. These include IServ, ucs @ school, Webweaver, itslearning or the Schul.Cloud from the Hanover-based provider Heinekingmedia, which speak out against a state-sponsored platform. In addition to medium-sized companies, large US corporations such as Microsoft, Google and Apple are also trying to gain a foothold in the education market.

The HPI School Cloud was 2017 started as a pilot project and financially supported by the Federal Ministry of Education as a non-profit open source project. In response to the corona pandemic, the ministry decided in March 2020 to open the HPI school cloud across Germany for all schools that could not use a comparable solution of the state or the school authority.



Copy protection, head, table $ @% &!

Lockdown, winter, Friday evening … How about a “show today” to get other thoughts? So I start my new Macbook, go to the media library and, in anticipation, plug in the HDMI cable from the home theater (with the HDMI-to-USB-C adapter I bought as a precaution!) While the familiar opening melody plays badummbummbumm *. But the sound goes silent and only an error message about HDCP appears on the screen.

What the fuck?

Meanwhile – a few hours later – I even understand what is happening. But that doesn’t make it any better. On the contrary!

Jürgen Schmidt – aka ju – is the managing editor of heise Security and Senior Fellow Security at heise. Graduated physicist by profession, he has been working at Heise for over 15 years and is also interested in the areas of networks, Linux and open source.

Behind the scenes Short and slightly simplified : My Macbook and the AV receiver coordinate within the scope of the HDMI handshake:

Mac : “I can do 4K Ultra-HD”

AVR : “Cool, me too”

Both : “Great, let’s do it for us ”

Small side effect: For Ultra-HD, the two must activate High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP) 2.2 according to the specification. Since both support copy protection, that’s not a problem yet. But when the AVR tries to output the image, it realizes that the projector is only talking to the older HDCP 1.4. That’s enough for Full-HD (1080 p) and the projector can’t do more anyway. By the way: I’ve never had the feeling that I was missing something. With HDCP 2.2, however, each device must play along in the entire chain. So there is the error message:

This content is not displayed because your TV does not support HDCP 2.2

Unfortunately, neither the Macbook nor the AV receiver can be convinced that Full HD is completely sufficient for me and you can therefore confidently do without the HDCP 2.2 frills. With the Playstation 4 Pro that was still possible: You could limit it to HDCP 1.4 and Full HD in the BIOS. With the Macbook I only have the following options:

1) I sell the new Macbook Pro and buy a used, older device that only supports HDCP 1.4 (ran on my friend’s older Macbook today’s show without any problems – but of course with some malice).

2) I throw away my fully functional projector and buy a new, 4K-capable device that I don’t need.

3) I buy a so-called HDMI-HDCP converter like the one here from Assmann. It costs around 30 euros and, according to the description, converts HDCP signals from 2.2 to 1.4 and vice versa.

4) I buy an HDMI splitter with a so-called “HDCP Bypass” for around 15 Euro. It pretends to be an HDCP-capable device to the AV receiver and still plays the video signal on the connected devices without HDCP. Problem solved.

At least the last option with the HDCP bypass is illegal in Germany. Yes, you read that right: I only want to look at content that actually does not have to be subject to copy protection, such as self-made presentations or material from the public media library co-financed with my fees. But it would be illegal to buy and use equipment that enables me to do so. Do such laws actually prevent criminal pirates from doing their illegal activities? Or rather, are there to persuade stingy consumer refusers like me to finally buy the latest hot shit?

A legal way out means that I throw even more money down the throat of the manufacturers of the copy protection infrastructure with the acquisition of new devices. Something is going terribly wrong. These are protection money methods, as we know them from organized crime, known as the Mafia. This is exactly how blackmail Trojans work: “If you want to see your data, you have to pay.” Copy protection, which prevents me from legally viewing content on my devices to which I have all necessary rights, is unfortunately not illegal – but in any case extremely anti-social.

What do you think for which of the options I have decided? Tell us in the comments about your experiences in which copy protection got in the way of very legal activities.



20 years of Wikipedia: Interview with encyclopedia co-founder Jimmy Wales

Jimmy Wales is the face of Wikipedia. He co-founded the online encyclopedia 2001, headed up to 2006 the Wikimedia Foundation, the foundation behind Wikipedia, and has a seat on the foundation’s board of trustees to this day. c’t he answered questions about the origins of the platform, his role in the project and the future of Wikipedia.

c’t: In the year 2001 you had earned some money as a stock market trader and founded your first start-up: How did you come up with the idea of ​​starting an online encyclopedia?

Jimmy Wales: I came into contact with the free software movement then. And I thought to myself: You could actually use this type of collaboration for anything. Writing an encyclopedia seemed like an obvious first choice to me.

c’t: Was there a special need for an online encyclopedia or was it just a matter of experimenting with the new form of collaboration?

Wales: Both were the case. It was pretty obvious at the time that an encyclopedia was needed on the internet. There have been millions of websites with specific knowledge, but often you are only looking for an abstract. There was a need for an overview of established knowledge.

c’t: In addition to the technical basis for Wikipedia, the decision to make the encyclopedia a non-profit project is also decisive for the character the Wikipedia. How did this come about?

Wales: Wikipedia is in many ways a child of the dot-com crash. It was not clear at the time whether any viable business model or investors could be found to further develop the project. Many of the volunteers were very much in favor of us developing Wikipedia as a non-profit organization. It immediately made sense to me: an encyclopedia is similar to an institution like a library or a school. The decision turned out to be very good for us. For one thing, we are still here today. On the other hand, a free and advertising-free Wikipedia is what comes closest to our original vision.

c’t: Would advertising funding have changed the character of Wikipedia?

Wales: Possibly. How you make your money has a huge impact on organizations – whether it’s a company or a non-profit organization. The incentives for tackling certain problems are shifting. People only donate to Wikipedia when they feel the project is making a meaningful impact on their lives. If we had relied on strategies like clickbait headlines or deliberately provocative content, this would not be the case.

c’t: There were a lot of commercial challengers. Did any of these bother you?

Wales: Not really. We were very successful very early on. I’ve looked at a few projects that have been labeled in the press as possible Wikipedia killers. I realized very quickly that they didn’t have the potential of Wikipedia. For example, Microsoft Encarta allowed users to change their posts at some point. I thought: This is definitely an interesting change of course. So I signed up and tried it out. However, once I sent off a change, I got feedback that within a week someone would look at my change and decide if my work would be accepted. It was clear to me: This is no competition for Wikipedia. It won’t really be fun for anyone to wait a whole week for a change.

But since we never had commercial ambitions at Wikipedia, we were able to approach the work relatively relaxed. We were just a couple of geeks having fun. If people like it – great. If we hadn’t liked it, we would still have had fun.

c’t: Many of the geeks who enjoyed Wikipedia came from Germany .

Wales: We had a strong community in Germany right from the start. A lot of people developed a real passion for the project. Not just when writing articles, but also with the developers who advanced our software. The German community also helped us structurally. A German Wikipedian once told me a joke: What do you call two Germans? A club. What do you call three Germans? A club with problems. (laughs) So the community in Germany really wanted to create an organization. And what was created here at the time became a model for all local associations that have been founded around the world since then.

c’t: You once compared your role in the Wikipedia community with that english queen. Is that still like that?

Wales: I think it’s still like this: I have a certain role in the community – but I don’t really have any power. I try to remind people of the values ​​on which Wikipedia is based. When there is a dispute in the community, I try not to get involved too much. But sometimes I do speak up.

Recently there was an example. There were two candidates for political office in the United States. We had an article about the incumbent but not one about her challenger. I asked why that is. It turned out: there was no targeted decision against the challenger. The fact that her article was deleted was the result of a whole series of decisions, for example about the relevance criteria of Wikipedia. It looked like a bug to me. It should be the goal of an encyclopedia that voters can find out about the candidate of one of the major parties for an important political office. But my role is not just to make the decision or to change the rules – I just made people aware of it.

c’t: For many people who are new to Wikipedia want, it is frustrating that they cannot understand the decisions. How would you describe the decision-making process?

Wales: (laughs) Even for people who have been involved in Wikipedia for a long time, this is sometimes frustrating. It is a very complex process, with many traditions. Sometimes the rules are written down, sometimes not. Much of it works on a social level. Some people have acquired a high status with their work, which makes it easier for them to enforce certain decisions than others who are new – especially if they are quick-tempered.

c’t: One The primary goal of the Wikimedia Foundation was to make Wikipedia big in developing countries. But a success like that in Germany is still missing. Why is this?

Wales: There are a number of reasons. Where there are problems with financing education and generally available Internet access, Wikipedia has a harder time. My view is that we as Wikimedia should invest more money in these countries. Of course, some of the pilot projects will fail. But in my opinion this is extremely important for the mission of Wikipedia.

c’t: One of the newest sister projects of Wikipedia is Wikidata. In just a few years, it has brought together a billion factual statements.

Wales: I am fascinated by Wikidata. I think the project has great potential. We know that many services such as voice assistance systems are based on a treasure trove of data that is proprietary. Google, Apple and Amazon control all of this knowledge. I see that as a problem. In contrast, Wikidata is completely open. My hope is that there will be many developers who know what to do with this treasure trove of data.

c’t: Companies like Google, Apple and Amazon love Wikidata and some of them already use the database quite extensively. Is that what you want?

Wales: I think it’s like open source software. People can use it if they can find a use for it.

c’t: A new project is trying to generate readable articles from Wikidata’s data repository. Is this the future of Wikipedia? Can you imagine articles being written by artificial intelligence rather than humans?

Wales: I think there is still a long way to go. For example, a lot of people are very impressed with the texts that are created using the GPT-3 AI model. But the reality is: Even if the lyrics sound plausible, many of the results are pure nonsense. On the other hand, I see many uses for AI technology. Programs could search Wikipedia for statements that seem to contradict each other. But these results should then be checked by a person.

Significantly more complex applications would also be possible, for example to check whether an article has a certain bias or really reflects what is in the linked source stands. Of course, this is not a program that you can hack together in C ++ in five minutes. If the result has an acceptable success rate, then using AI for Wikipedia could make a lot of sense.

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Internet of Things: HiveMQ 4.5 rewrites Kafka

The German company HiveMQ has released version 4.5 of the MQTT broker of the same name. A major focus for the release is on performance optimization. On the technical side, a Kafka-to-MQTT transformer and the expandable REST API are worth mentioning. The current version is an LTS release that will receive guaranteed support until January 2023, which the customer will then receive can extend an additional year.

According to the blog post on the publication, the performance improvements have an impact on larger installations in particular and should reduce the time during Entering and leaving a cluster and the replication of messages in the queue (Queued Messages) and retained messages (Retained Messages) concern. In addition, the memory requirement for specific scenarios should be significantly lower.

A transformer for Kafka In June 2020 HiveMQ released a connector for Apache Kafka. The open source software is often used in the Internet of Things due to its specialization in processing data streams. Version 4.4 of the MQTT broker had a customization API on board to transform data on the way from MQTT to Kafka.

At the 24. and 25. The building IoT will take place for the sixth time on March 1st. The organizers heise Developer, iX and dpunkt.verlag are hosting the developer conference as an online event for the first time this year. With its technical focus, the conference is aimed at IT professionals who create applications and products for the Internet of Things.

The call for proposals runs until 18. January.

With HiveMQ, developers can now go the other way around and convert content from Apache Kafka before the broker distributes it to the clients as an MQTT message. When enriching the data, you can integrate third-party systems into the transformation process. In this way, the broker can, among other things, distribute a Kafka data set with different MQTT topics to clients.

On the technical side, the extension of the REST API is also worth mentioning, which now enables an extension to include its own Tailor interfaces for specific use cases. In addition, the HiveMQ Kubernetes Operator introduced in version 4.4 offers a DNS (Domain Name System) extension with additional metrics. Among other things, it can be used to determine which DNS requests were successful and which failed. The extension can also show the cluster components found for a DNS resolution.

A beehive from Bavaria for MQTT HiveMQ is a Bavarian company operating under the name 2012 dc Square was born and has specialized in MQTT. 2019 it has adapted the company name to the central product: the HiveMQ broker. The latter has also been available in an open-source community edition since April 2019.

The acronym MQTT stands for Message Queuing Telemetry Transport, and the protocol widely used in the IoT (Internet of Things) relies on a publish / subscribe model in which the broker plays an essential role. MQTT clients subscribe to certain topics and thus become subscribers. Messages are also sent from an MQTT client, and the message contains information on the topic in addition to other information. The MQTT broker is responsible for distributing the published message to the other MQTT clients that have subscribed to the relevant topic.

The speedometer publishes 70 mph with the topic “speed”, which the Broker passes on to the subscribers of “speed”.

(Image: HiveMQ)

The MQTT broker HiveMQ has been April 2019 available in an open source version. In addition, the company offers a Professional Edition and an Enterprise Edition with additional functions that focus primarily on improved administration and use in clusters as well as extended security and monitoring features.

More details on HiveMQ 4.5 can be found in the blog post. HiveMQ is available as a ZIP archive on the download page. There you will also find instructions for use in Docker containers and on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The product page shows a comparison of the different editions with the respective functions.


Dispute over the use of Microsoft products in digital teaching

Numerous associations have spoken out against the use of Microsoft products on the digital education platform for schools in the south-west. Corresponding plans by the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs should be rejected due to inadequate data protection, announced on Wednesday, among other things, the state student council, the state parents ‘council, the education and science union and the philologists’ association. The Ministry of Culture countered that numerous schools are already using MS 365 applications with positive feedback. “Many schools point out that these products can be used intuitively and thus support everyday school life in a simple and pragmatic way,” said a spokeswoman for department head Susanne Eisenmann (CDU). “It is surprising that the associations in their joint statement do not seem to take note of the needs of schools and practitioners on site and fail to recognize the realities of everyday life.” The Microsoft products should only be used in one of three sub-areas of the educational platform.

Open source advantageous From the point of view der 19 associations, open source solutions such as Moodle, Nextcloud and Big Blue Button are more advantageous for digital teaching. They already worked in many schools and made the use of Microsoft 365 tools superfluous. An open source strategy is also specified in the coalition agreement between Green and Black. “The data protection of the 1.5 million students as well as the 100. 000 teachers are not allowed be negotiated “, emphasized the state student council.

The associations also called on the state to retain digital sovereignty. It should not make itself dependent on an offer like Microsoft 365, because it can be restricted or switched off by the provider or the government of the country in which the company is based. In the case of MS 365, data protection conformity cannot be checked. The consumer advice center also insisted on the use of an open source and data protection compliant digital infrastructure.

No dependence on Microsoft The spokeswoman Eisenmanns, on the other hand, emphasized: “All offers that we want to make to schools with the digital education platform are voluntary. We offer schools various options to choose from in an overall package.” There could be no question of a dependency on Microsoft. On the other hand, the past few weeks have shown that there is a lack of comparable, powerful solutions in the open source area and that developments at the federal and European level are still in their infancy.

The state data protection officer Stefan Brink said with a view to a pilot project he was accompanying at about 30 vocational schools that the problems with US products were known. Microsoft is aware of this, but the company assures that it will get a grip on it technically. “I assume that Microsoft will go to great lengths to ensure data protection compliance.” In particular, it must be ensured that background data does not leak to the USA. The eight-week pilot project is expected to be completed in March. The spokeswoman Eisenmanns emphasized that the goal is a solution with a coherent data protection concept.

The associations continued to criticize that early imprinting of students on Microsoft software runs counter to the targeted media and consumer education of young people. They should be given the opportunity to use freely accessible learning and teaching aids. If individual families wanted to defend themselves legally against the use of the US software, the school peace might be endangered.


Distributed database: Cockroach Labs secures funding for further growth

Cockroach Labs, provider of the distributed, cloud-native SQL database CockroachDB, was able to double both the number of its customers and sales in the past year, as the company announced in a blog post without disclosing any specific financial data. In order to be able to continue financing the growth, however, Cockroach Labs secured itself within the framework of a new financing round 160 millions of US- Dollar fresh capital from the investment firms Altimeter Capital, Greenoaks, Lone Pine, Benchmark, BOND, FirstMark, GV, Index Ventures and Tiger Global.

Like Cockroach Labs, which is emulating the warehouse-as-a-service provider Snowflake, the investors apparently also trust in the steadily growing demand for modern, flexibly scalable database systems. In the year of the corona pandemic, Cockroach Labs was able to benefit from the trends towards more remote and home office work as well as accelerated digital transformation and was able to win new customers from both start-ups that need highly scalable systems and established companies who wanted their Want to update the data infrastructure and make it more resilient.

CockroachDB, version 1.0 middle 2017 is one of the so-called NewSQL systems that are typically based on a relational data model and use SQL as the query language. Like NoSQL databases, it also meets high requirements for scalability and flexibility. The company 2015 founded by former Google employees chose the name Cockroach to give users of the database an association with resilience and to awaken the stamina of cockroaches. Because the CockroachDB servers always come in groups, so that the entire (data) inventory is not immediately at risk if a node dies.

Scalable and resilient CockroachDB primarily competes with comparable offers such as Google Cloud Spanner, on whose open source project the database is based. It strictly supports ACID transactions (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) and, as a distributed SQL database, builds on a transactional and consistent key-value store, for which the developers at Cockroach Labs rely on RocksDB. CockroachDB also wants to score points, unlike many competitors, by being independent of the large cloud providers. Since autumn 2019 the company has been offering its own managed cloud service CockroachDB as a Service, which is available to users on different platforms such as AWS or Use Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

(Image: Albert Hulm)

Distributed databases with CockroachDB While common SQL Databases like MySQL have difficulties with scaling, CockroachDB is designed to run synchronously on many servers.

According to Cockroach Labs, this DBaaS is so popular among the company’s new customers that it is now more than the Half of all CockroachDB users work with it. As industry experts point out, however, the NewSQL database is primarily suitable for use in new projects or applications that require extensive adaptation, while MariaDB SkySQL, for example, can also port decades-old compatible applications to the cloud in a simpler way.

Hybrid license model instead of open source From the point of view of developers, it is also important keep an eye on Cockroach Labs’ licensing policy. While the database was originally generally freely available under the Apache 2.0 license, the Business Source License (BSL) has been in effect since the middle 2019 ). It prohibits the commercial distribution of a CockroachDB as a service without a license that is subject to a fee. Cockroach Labs is thus following the example of other database providers – including Redis, MongoDB, Confluent and MariaDB – who want to protect their open source applications from what they believe to be misuse by cloud service providers. Since then, the core edition of CockroachDB is no longer an OSS in the sense of the OSI definition, but the source code is still freely available and the database can still be used free of charge in many fields of application with an unlimited number of nodes.
