
RoboScan: Automated film scanning with Raspberry Pi

RoboScan automatically digitizes analog films with a DSLR camera. A Raspberry Pi is used for this, which uses machine learning and a stepper motor to move the film in a Lego frame. RoboScan is an open source project by Maker Benjamin Bezine that was created in lockdown and is active on GitHub as bezineb5.

During operation, the film is illuminated from behind at the point to be scanned. This classic trick can be used to photograph the film using a camera with a macro lens. A 3D-printed adapter is required so that the stepper motor can move the analog film in the Lego structure. Versions 2, 3 and 4 are suitable as RaspberryPi. The Pi 4 has the advantage here that the camera can be connected via USB 3.0. Bezineb5 published the project and the material list on GitHub,

Software control RoboScan consists of a JavaScript web front end and a Python backend that takes over the control. The scanning process can be started via the web interface and the images saved on the computer – so there is no need to fiddle with the SD card. The software uses the library libgphoto2 to operate the camera.

A Google Coral Edge TPU USB Accelerator can optionally be used to optimize the machine learning component. How the machine learning algorithm recognizes the individual image segments is clearly explained in the following YouTube video. The installation runs via a supplied Docker-Compose-File, which starts all components and connects them with each other.

And this is how the RoboScan looks during operation.



Windows 7: Federal government had extra support in 2020 cost almost 2 million euros

The number of computers in the federal ministries and subordinate authorities that are still operated with Windows 7 is significantly higher than previously assumed. In second gear, the federal government is now going from “at least 51. 479 Clients “on which the operating system is still running that Microsoft has been using since 14. January 2020 no longer supported for free with security updates. A year ago the lead Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) was still on 33. 000 relevant IT jobs come.

Problem bigger than known Even then it was clear that the support and migration problem would be much bigger: in In the earlier overview, five of the 12 Federal Ministries were not listed at all. Apparently it was just about the departments in which Windows 7 still plays a particularly important role.

With the significantly increased number of computers for which the federal government has to spend money on further security updates via Microsoft’s Extended Security Update Program (ESU), the necessary expenses have more than doubled: the federal government initially calculated for 2020 with fees of 700. 000 Euro, it ended up according to a heise online current answer to a request from the Green Bundestag member Konstantin von Notz at 1.9 million euros. Until 2023 should “at least around 2, 51 Costs of millions of euros arise “.

The distribution of the affected computers to the individual departments and larger authorities was broken down by the government to In the Chancellery and the Federal Ministries there are a total of around 14. 000 people busy. This does not include the employees in the many subordinate authorities. The Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry of Defense are particularly well-staffed departments. The latter leads the ranking of the departments on which PCs with Windows 7 are still in operation, also with 27. 326 corresponding jobs.

No Windows 7 only in the Ministry of Education The Ministry of the Interior follows in second place with 12. 800 computers that need extra support, the Foreign Office occupies third place with 10. 700 such computer. The Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure still has to pay a separate support fee to Microsoft for 5000 jobs, the Agriculture and Health departments each for around 1700, the commissioner for culture and media for 1500. At the Ministry of Economic Affairs 1118 computers. In all other areas of government and its subordinate administration, the number is below 1000. The Federal Ministry of Education is the only one that no longer uses PCs with Windows 7.

The information could still be incomplete, the government warns. The authorities and departments are in favor of a timely changeover to Windows 10 after expiry responsible for Windows 7 support. Central records are not kept. The departmental inquiry has still not been “answered by everyone”.

The Federal Ministry of the Interior deliberately does not provide any information on the IT infrastructure of the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) and for reasons of confidentiality at the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. In the meantime, it can be seen from job advertisements that the Federal Office for Consumer Protection, for example, is still specifically looking for three IT specialists with thorough knowledge of the Windows 7 systems and is looking for.

Dependency as a problem The The authors of a study commissioned by the Federal Ministry of the Interior 2019 had already come to the conclusion that the dependence on Microsoft products in particular “leads to pain points in the federal administration”. This is “in contradiction to the strategic goals of the IT of the federal government”. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) announced at the time that he would hold talks with software providers and examine alternative programs. The use of free software should play an essential role here.

In the new plan for slow IT consolidation, however, there is no mention of open source. The Ministry of Defense remains in the recorded, up to 2028 running four waves for the harmonization of computer and server structures as well as the relocation of services to the cloud, as well as left out the Foreign Office.



Patchday: Android secured against remote code execution, among other things

For the first patch day in the new year, Google has numerous security holes in Android versions 8.0, 8.1, 9, 10 and 11 eliminated. Four of them are considered critical and could have been misused by attackers, among other things, to carry out denial-of-service attacks or to remotely execute code on vulnerable devices (remote code execution). With a “Moderate” exception, the remaining vulnerabilities are at high risk.

The Android Security Bulletin for January 2021 differentiates between two patch levels, the installation of which either part of the security holes (level 2021 – 01 – 01 ) or all gaps (Level 2021 – 01 – 05 ) fixes. According to Google, manufacturers of Android devices should allow this procedure more flexibility when patching.

Critical security holes According to Google’s assessment, the most dangerous of the closed security holes, CVE – 2021 – 0316, is located directly in the operating system code (section “System” in the bulletin). It enables attackers to execute remote code in the context of a privileged process. In order to carry out the attack, Google only indicates that the transmission of specially prepared data is necessary.

CVE – 2021 – 0316, as well as the critical gap CVE – 2021 – 11 (Denial-of-Service) in the Android framework, by raising the patch level to 2021 – 01 – 01 eliminated. To eliminate two further security holes with “Critical” classification in Qualcomm’s closed source components – CVE – 2020 – 11134 and CVE – 2020 – 11182 – is on the other hand level 2021 – 01 – 05 necessary.

Separate bulletin for Pixel devices As usual, a separate January bulletin with updates for Google’s Pixel devices has been published. It includes four additional security fixes that are automatically distributed to supported Pixel devices along with all other patches. There are also several functional patches from the areas of audio, graphics, sensors and telephony. Details are given in a post in the Pixel Support Forum.

In addition to Google, other manufacturers regularly publish security patches – but mostly only for some product series. Devices from other manufacturers receive the updates much later or, in the worst case, not at all.

According to Google, other manufacturers (“Android partners”) were informed of the vulnerabilities at least one month before the publication, as usual, and thus had sufficient time to implement the code. The source code for the patches is available in the Android Open Source Project (AOSP).



Container: Dynamic templates for FreeBSD jails with Bastille

Bastille was released in version 0.8. The tool automates and manages jails under FreeBSD, i.e. operating system and application containers. An instance of a FreeBSD jail provided with Bastille with the full range of commands of the base system only requires around 10 to 12 Mbytes of space on the data carrier.

Improved and dynamic templates The version jump brings some innovations and improvements . The Bastille templates now run completely natively. Each jail or container is automatically based on a self-explanatory template: base, empty, thick, thin and vnet. Another new feature is that the templates are dynamically, for example, using $ JAIL_NAME or $ JAIL_IP can be individually parameterized.

When updating from version 0.7 to 0.8, it should be noted that the syntax in the configuration files has changed slightly and users can save their existing templates via bastille template –convert … have to adapt. The templates can also be created individually or downloaded from the public GitLab directory.

FreeBSD 13 on board In addition to the current and older FreeBSD versions, Bastille 0.8 can also do the in FreeBSD under development 13 – provide CURRENT. As usual, it should be noted that the FreeBSD version of the host must not be older than the version of the jail. On 64 – bit hosts can be 32 – Create and start bit jails, the reverse is not possible.

With bastille config get | set users from version 0.8 can define individual values ​​in the configuration file (/ usr / local / bastille / jails //jail.conf) read out or set via scripts. A ALL as the jail name applies the action to all jails.

The software was developed by Christer Edwards, who was previously involved in SaltStack, which has now been taken over by VMware, and who was responsible for it as a maintainer. He took over parts of the security mechanisms for Bastille from the HubbleStack, which he also helped to design and on which SaltStack SecOps is based. Bastille is under the free BSD 3 Clause license, has no dependencies (25 KByte download via pkg install bastille ) and is for all supported platforms by amd 64, i 386, sparc 64, powerpc 64 up to aarch 64 (Raspberry Pi 3/4) available.

See also:

Configuration management: Open source tools for configuration management; iX 1 / 2021, S. 96. (fo)


Qt limits use of long-term support versions to commercial customers

The Qt Company is immediately restricting the visibility of the Qt-5. 15 branch to the public. The long-term support release (LTS) Qt 5. 15 will for the first time only be available to paying customers, according to an email to Qts Development Mailing list.

The company wants to keep the branch visible to the public, but it no longer provides any new patches. The branch is also closed for new commits, with the exception of the QtWebEngine and the Qt Script marked as deprecated, due to LGPL dependencies on a third party.

LTS release only for commercial customers The company had already announced this step in January 2020 that brings many customers an unpredictable future. Now the rule is that only paying customers will have access to the private repository and the code that includes the future LTS point releases for Qt 5. 15. The first purely commercial Qt 5. 15 LTS Tagged Release should appear in February.

A year ago, the Qt Company had the changes in a Blog post summarized. As a justification, the company stated that this change should ensure the further growth of Qt as a platform. The company hopes that the need for a Qt account to install binaries will generate more contributions from the open source community, as a user account has always been mandatory for bug reports and code reviews.

Qt’s offline installer, on the other hand, is a feature that is particularly interesting for corporate customers. The elimination of the free option should therefore clearly make the paid product “more attractive”. However, the company believes the impact on open source users is small. Open source developers should also have to switch to new Qt versions more quickly, which the company hopes to get more feedback on the individual versions. The LTS releases are reserved for paying customers who are dependent on a certain Qt version for their own products.



Huawei will allow other Chinese manufacturers to install Harmony OS on their smartphones

by Jordi Bercial 05 / 01 / 2021

At this point it is no secret that Huawei has serious problems to continue using Android on their smartphones, something that does not look to change anytime soon. In the same way, they have an address marked, something that started with the Huawei Mobile Services and will continue with HarmonyOS , the The company’s next operating system for some of its smartphones.

However, not only Huawei could have this same problem, but really any other Chinese manufacturer could be in the same position, reason whereby HarmonyOS will be available to any Chinese manufacturer that needs a fully functional operating system , something that Android is not without the Google Mobile Services.

As we can read In Huawei Central, it is expected that HarmonyOS will be open source to be able to adapt it to other smartphones, something that for now is not It is like this, in addition to having a flexible kernel that can work with other processors without problem , not only those with which Huawei lock heh, so there is probably still work to do, starting with checking that indeed HarmonyOS works properly on Huawei’s own devices.

Be that as it may, it is a great opportunity for Huawei in the face of to recover from the bad streak that has meant not having the Google Mobile Services on their latest smartphones , and which will probably also help them financially if enough companies make use of this new operating system.

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Jordi Bercial

Avid technology and electronics enthusiast . I mess around with computer components almost since I learned to ride. I started working at Geeknetic after winning a contest on their forum for writing hardware articles. Drift, mechanics and photography lover. Don’t be shy and leave a comment on my articles if you have any questions.