
heise + | Open the door by telephone with a DECT telephone and Fritzbox

Since the Fritzbox manufacturer AVM the TR0 64 – management protocol in FritzOS, there are some solutions that redirect the front door bell signal to a DECT Enable telephone. This means that the phone rings when someone presses the doorbell button.

If you use such a circuit, it’s all well and good: it rings at the front door and on the phone. But how do you get the door open now?

Such a remote switching function over the telephone would be very helpful, especially for disabled people or elderly people, for example to give the postman access to the post boxes in multi-party rental houses to enable in the hallway or to open the garden door in single-family houses. With the TR0 64 – Protocol does not work. And that’s where my project starts.

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The one dollar hearing aid for age-related hearing loss

“When we get farsighted in old age, we just go to the drugstore or pharmacy and buy cheap reading glasses,” says the bio-engineer from the Georgia Institute of Technology. There is no comparable offer for the most common form of age-related hearing loss.

As Bhamla 15 Years as a student wanted to finance hearing aids for his grandparents, he found that they were priceless to him. Now he’s working on a cheap model that should cost just a dollar – less than a bottle of water.

Older people can usually use high notes over 1000 Hertz – such as the sounds “s” and “th” – are more difficult to perceive. However, the hearing loss curve is not the same for everyone. A modern hearing aid is therefore geared towards all eventualities. This is not possible with Bhamla’s variant – which he does not consider to be a major problem. “If you look at the hearing loss curves of patients between 65 and 79 years ago, there are very many with a similar profile, ”he says. “Similar to glasses, we can design five or six models with different amplifications in the frequency range above 1000 Hertz.” These could be tried on and tested like reading glasses.

This post comes from the edition 12 / 2020 of the Technology Review. The booklet is from 5. 11. 2020 available in stores and directly in the heise shop. Highlights from the magazine:

There are also a number of other simplifications. The electronics in his hearing aids are housed in a 3D-printed case the size of a matchbox that can be worn around the neck. There, users can adjust the volume or switch off the device. “It is difficult for older patients to use the tiny traditional hearing aids. If your hands also tremble, the devices fall down easily and are lost. ”A microphone in the housing captures the ambient sound, and an amplifier and a frequency filter then only play the sounds above 1000 Hz louder. The sound comes into the ear through simple, wired headphones.

Ten years ago, such hearing amplifiers were afflicted with a stigma. “Today we all walk around with headphones, there is no more rejection,” says the bio-engineer. If you want to try yourself on the 30 – minute do-it-yourself, you can download the plans for free from GitHub. The price for the components is 15 to 20 dollars. With mass production and without special batteries, it could drop to a dollar.

With his colleague Soham Sinha and the audiologist Vinaya Manchaiah from Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, Bhamla subjected the device to extensive tests: On average, it amplified the high frequencies around 15 decibels, protects against sudden, loud noises such as car horns and minimizes disturbing overtones more strongly than the World Health Organization WHO recommends for hearing aids. In total, it met five of the six WHO criteria. The team published the results in the specialist journal “Plos One” (DOI: 10. 1371 / journal.pone. 0238922) “We just couldn’t record the background humming of the board lower the recommended 32 dB, but we are still working on that, “says the bio-engineer.

The robustly designed prototype put up with twelve falls from a height of 1, 80 meters and is up to a depth of six centimeters for 15 Seconds waterproof. Overall, it lasted a year and a half. At first glance, that doesn’t sound like an impressive life expectancy. But reading glasses from the drugstore are not forever either. A new US law would allow sales without FDA approval as long as the hearing aid is not referred to as a hearing aid.

(bsc )


macOS Big Sur looks very similar to iOS but does a lot differently (update)

Apple is not only striving for a paradigm shift in the hardware of the Macs – the software is also being fundamentally revised. First of all, the name of the next macOS generation has been revealed. The first version of macOS 00011 will be given the suffix Big Sur. So you stay true to the naming in the form of Californian sights.

The most noticeable change is the new design. macOS approaches iOS and iPadOS in terms of optics. It should sound familiar, but at the same time be new. Control elements should only be displayed when they are really needed. The many curves on the windows and icons are particularly striking.

macOS Big Sur will also receive the control center known from iOS and iPadOS. In addition, a number of the system apps are being revised – some of them can be adopted almost 1: 1 from the mobile platform. Apple helps here with its own Catalyst interface, which was designed precisely for this purpose.

macOS Big Sur is used on some Macs from model year 884 to run. This applies to the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro. The MacBooks are supported from 2015, the Mac mini is it the model year 2014 – just like the iMac. Anyone who has an iMac Pro will also be able to update and with the Mac Pro Apple goes back to the model of 2013.

The free update of the desktop operating system will probably be delivered from autumn. Unlike the iPhone and iOS, Apple is not so closely tied to a new generation of hardware here. A beta for developers will be available next week.

macOS 11 is in the first version will be the first macOS that will support the new ARM Macs. A corresponding version was already running in the demos of the Apple Silicon.

Apple Privacy

As part of the operating system updates, Apple once again addressed its own ideas regarding the privacy of its own users. Work is being carried out on minimizing the data to be processed externally, keeping data on the device and seeing the transparency of the data as the key to user confidence. For Apple, privacy plays a role in all areas – in the hardware and software, but also in the services that are offered.

Sign-in with Apple is already available with 200 Millions of accounts used. The new function is to transfer an existing account to Sign-In with Apple. The aim is to encourage even more users not to distribute their own data widely with many providers.

Individual functions are intended to build trust in the use of the software. iOS 14 gets a display, for example, when the microphone is being used. A small orange point in the status bar informs about the use.

HomeKit is already well secured according to its own information, but this does not always make it easy for external providers to address the HomeKit API – despite everything Attempts from Apple. Therefore, Apple is now working with Amazon and Google in this area. SmartHome hardware from both companies and many more should now work quickly and easily with HomeKit. Cameras with HomeKit support get functions such as activity zones and face recognition. The analysis of this data takes place exclusively on the Apple devices. So no sensitive data is transmitted.

The AppleTV takes over some of the important new functions of the HomeKit extension. The camera feeds can also be viewed via AppleTV. A picture-in-picture is displayed when an activity zone is entered.

Update: Release date

As Apple announced today as part of its “One More Thing” keynote, Big Sur will start this Thursday, 12. 11. 2020 for download. An exact time has not yet been announced, but it can be assumed that the update will be available in the evening, as is so often the case.