
Kaspersky: Trojans and backdoors increase in 2020

Kaspersky’s latest report detects a decrease in adware and an increase in Trojans, backdoors and worms. Most of these threats are executable for Windows. The number of Android malware detected drops

by Alberto Falchi published , at 09: 21 in the Security channel


How many people experienced at least one malware attack in the 2020 ? According to the Kaspersky Security Bulletin 2020, it happened to 10, 18% of users, worldwide . The Russian company’s solutions blocked just under 667 millions of attacks of various types (666. 809. 967, to be precise) from November 2019 in October 2020, of which 33. 412. 568 unique threats. Of these attacks, 549. 301 were of type ransomware , and over 1.5 million miner.

668. 619 users, finally, suffered attack attempts by banking trojans . They decrease the adware , relatively little dangerous software that, however, make advertisements appear repeatedly.

Cyber ​​attacks are growing: in the 2020 recognized 360. 000 threats per day

That the number of cyber attacks detected by security solutions is increasing every year is a trend we have been used to for some time. This year, then, it was foreseeable that the attackers would have intensified their activity: the pandemic has forced a very large number of people to work remotely, thus attracting the attention of numerous criminals.

Most of the threats detected by Kaspersky systems are related to executables for Windows , which represent the 89,90% of the total. Curiously, they decrease by 13, 7% targeted attacks on Android devices. According to Kaspersky experts, this may be due to the attackers focusing on computers, since most of the potential victims were working or studying remotely.

Increased by 27% also the number of malicious scripts sent by e-mail or inserted into websites.

Over the past year, our detection systems have found many more new objects harmful than the 2019 “- explains Denis Staforkin, security expert at Kaspersky -” The pandemic has forced users around the world to spend more time on their devices and online. It is difficult to know if the attackers were more active or not or if our solutions detected more malicious files simply because of the increased activity. It could be a combination of both. However, this year we have seen a noticeable increase in the number of new malicious files, which will most likely continue to grow until 2021, as employees continue to work from home and countries continue to apply various restrictions. However, if users take basic security measures, they can significantly reduce the risks “.