Cyberpunk 2077: class-action against CD Projekt RED. The developer is ready to defend himself

Source: HW Upgrade added 28th Dec 2020

  • cyberpunk-2077:-class-action-against-cd-projekt-red.-the-developer-is-ready-to-defend-himself

A few weeks after the tumultuous launch of Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt RED is “victim” of a lawsuit brought by its own investors. Among the reasons we find the misleading statements with which the developer described the performance of the game on the PlayStation and Xbox.

by Pasquale Fusco published , at 13: 41 in the Videogames channel

CD Projekt Red

You know, the launch of Cyberpunk 2077 was not one of the best: quite the opposite, were it not for the sales figures – which speak for more 13 millions of copies sold – could be considered one of the worst debuts in video game history. The role-playing game of CD Projekt RED suffers from obvious technical problems, has countless bugs and its optimization on “last-gen” platforms borders on disaster.

Put simply, the public is not happy at all, as are the investors themselves. The Polish firm begins to pay the consequences, as demonstrated by the legal case filed in the USA against CD Projekt a few days ago.

CD Projekt RED: “We will vigorously defend ourselves against these accusations”

According to the latest reports, the law firm Rosen Law Firm has just launched a class-action against CD Projekt, as requested by investors who claim to have been ” damaged “by what happened with Cyberpunk 2077.

supported by the New York studio, CD Projekt RED has made false or misleading statements regarding the fact that Cyberpunk 2077 was playable on current-gen systems, PlayStation and Xbox. The removal of the game from Sony’s PlayStation Store is also cited, as well as the offer of refunds by Microsoft and the developer itself, events that have triggered the collapse of the shares by CD Projekt .

The response of the Polish developer was not long in coming, and last weekend he released a further statement in which he responds to the above accusations.

CD Projekt RED therefore stated the following: “Plaintiffs ask the court to judge whether the actions taken by the company and its board members regarding the publication of Cyberpunk 2077 have constituted a violation of federal laws, that is, misleading investors and, consequently, causing them losses “. The Warsaw firm finally stated that will defend “vigorously” from such allegations .

The matter is somewhat thorny, but we will follow any developments related to the class-action. As we said, Cyberpunk 2077 has already sold more than 13 million copies , an impressive achievement for the game launched on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Google Stadia. The role-playing game can also be played on PS5 and Xbox Series X / S, where it can guarantee a much more stable performance than seen on last generation consoles.

The CD team Projekt RED continues to work on patches that will correct the numerous problems already highlighted. Two different hotfixes have already been released, including patch 1. 00 which solves the corruption problem of bailouts.