FIFA 21: PC version will be lower than PS5 and Xbox Series X. EA explains why

Source: HW Upgrade added 25th Nov 2020

  • fifa-21:-pc-version-will-be-lower-than-ps5-and-xbox-series-x.-ea-explains-why

Electronic Arts talks about the next- versions gen of his acclaimed FIFA 21, bringing with it bad news regarding the PC user. Mouse and keyboard players will forgo the graphical improvements offered on PS5 and Xbox Series X: it is the executive producer who explains the reasons for this decision.

by Pasquale Fusco published , at 16: 56 in the Videogames channel

Fifa Electronic Arts

With the debut of the new next-gen consoles there are many games, more or less recent , who are welcoming the restoration process. This is how titles like Rainbow Six Siege, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and will be revived with a renewed graphics sector, taking advantage of the powerful hardware of PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X . However, many of these games are also available on PC , where the above upgrade will not always be a discounted option.

FIFA 21 and the ‘lower’ PC version: no next-gen upgrade

In an interview with the Eurogamer editorial team, EA Sports was asked about the PC version of the latest football simulator. FIFA 21 will not be updated on PC, unlike the console counterparts that will welcome the infamous update for the new generation.

The explanation of Electronic Arts is quite simple. In the US developer plans, the technical requirements of FIFA 21 on PC must remain ‘accessible’ : the introduction of features such as the deformation of the ball, the players’ muscles and the new angles of the camera would force EA Sports to raise the threshold of the required specifications.

Executive producer Aaron McHardy provides further explanations . His team examined possible improvements to the PC version of FIFA 21, as well as the hardware used by users: “When we looked at it all, in order to run the next-gen version, our minimum specs they had reached a point that would have left many people dry-mouthed, unable to play FIFA 21 “, explained McHardy.

However, the lack of choice of implement the technical improvements of the next.gen version, making them available for that range of users who can boast a high-end system.

Meanwhile, let’s remember what are the minimum requirements of FIFA 21 on PC . In addition to requiring 8GB of RAM, an Intel Core i3 processor – 6100 at 3.7GHz or an AMD Athlon X4 880 K at 4GHz, flanked by an NVIDIA GTX video card 660 (2GB) or an AMD Radeon HD 7850 (2GB ).