Google Play and App Store: We spent as much as PLN 1.5 billion in these stores during the holidays. This is one third more than a year ago

Source: Pure PC added 04th Jan 2021

  • google-play-and-app-store:-we-spent-as-much-as-pln-15-billion-in-these-stores-during-the-holidays.-this-is-one-third-more-than-a-year-ago

It is often said that the year 2020 was an extremely difficult year for the economy. The economic effects of the pandemic were felt in a variety of sectors, and smartphone manufacturers were also affected, with sales results worse than in previous years. It turns out, however, that the world of mobile devices is not as bad as it is commonly believed. According to Sensor Tower data relating to the holiday season, we have left over 34 percent in the Apple App Store and Google Play repositories. more money than in the same period last year. What exactly were we spending our hard earned amounts on? It turns out that the lion’s share of expenses was entertainment, namely games.

Sensor Tower publishes data on the amounts we left over the holiday season in Google Play and Apple App Store. The world of smartphone applications and games has seen enormous growth.

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Pandemic The coronavirus has affected the economy of various markets, however, in terms of services, applications and broadly understood technologies, it is not as bad as in other sectors. Limitation of mobility, remote learning and home office work resulted in increased interest in smartphone applications. However, entertainment turned out to be more important. Well, on Christmas, we spent globally on Google Play and the Apple App Store as much as 407, 6 million dollars, which gives us over 1.5 billion zlotys in direct conversion, with of which as much as PLN 1.1 billion relates to games.

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The remaining amount, i.e. about 321 PLN million relates to products other than games. In a similar period last year, we spent about 34, 5 percent. a smaller amount. This is a significant increase, which is higher than in the comparison of previous years. As mobile devices in the form of smartphones are becoming more and more popular for us, we can expect further progress in terms of this issue. Looking at my own expenses in the App Store, I can only confirm that I am actually leaving more and more amounts in the repository.

Source: Sensor Tower