Intel RealSense ID for cash withdrawals with face recognition

Source: HW Upgrade added 07th Jan 2021

  • intel-realsense-id-for-cash-withdrawals-with-face-recognition

The new device is called RealSense ID of Intel which aims to spread face recognition for access to offices and points of sale but also authentication at the ATM to withdraw safely. Inside, sensors, specialized hardware and a neural network.

by Manolo De Agostini published , at 11: 41 in the Peripherals channel


Intel presented RealSense ID , an all-in-one device that combines an active depth sensor with a specialized neural network designed to provide secure authentication through acknowledgment of the face . Intel RealSense ID is meant to work with smart locks, point of sale, ATMs, kiosks, entry gates, and more.

Through a simple registration process and without any network configuration, Intel RealSense ID represents “a highly accurate natural solution that simplifies secure access”. One glance is all it takes to enter a room or proceed with ATM transactions. In addition to the sensor and the neural network, the device has a dedicated system on chip and a security element: the two have the task of encrypting and processing data of users quickly and securely.

RealSense ID is even capable of adapt to the physical changes of the users , identifying them even if they grow a beard or if they wear glasses. “The system,” assures Intel, “works in various lighting conditions with people of a wide variety of heights or complexions.” The device also integrates an “anti-spoofing” technology to prevent the technology from being fooled with photographs, videos or masks . Intel reports a margin of error of 1 in a 1 million attempts, so the technology is very secure.

RealSense ID processes all face images locally and encrypt all data . The technology is also activated only after obtaining approval from the user and there is no authentication unless requested by a pre-registered user. “As with all Intel technology, we are working to ensure the ethical enforcement of RealSense and the protection of human rights “, concluded the company.