Notebooks always in great demand, with Chromebooks growing more than all

Source: HW Upgrade added 11th Jan 2021

  • notebooks-always-in-great-demand,-with-chromebooks-growing-more-than-all

The market demand for notebook systems will continue to be sustained also during 2021, thanks also to the additional contribution given by the Chromebook systems required for the educational world

by Paolo Corsini published , at 08: 41 in the Laptops channel

Windows macOS Chrome Chromebook AMD RyZen

That the global pandemic has pushed up, on values ​​that could not sure to be expected before, the sales of notebook and tablet systems is now an established fact . The need for many to study and work from home has in fact led to the need to equip themselves with suitable work tools in the home, very often with the purchase of new portable PCs.

From this the exceeding, for the first time, the threshold of 200 millions of notebooks sold i in the bear of 2020 with a growth of 22, 2% on an annual basis as certified by Trendforce in its most recent market analysis.

All of this will continue into ? According to Trendforce, the answer can only be positive, given the continuing repercussions on the economy and global life that the pandemic is continuing to generate. From this a forecast of an increase in notebook sales which in 2021 will touch 217 million pieces , with an increase of ‘8.6% yoy.

It is interesting to highlight how part of this growth will be linked to the incremental demand for Chromebook systems , particularly requested in the education sector thanks to the combination of functionality and reduced cost. In the course of 2020 they affected approximately the 14, 8% of the total notebook market, a share that is destined to increase up to 18, 5% in the course of 2021.

If in 2020 the sales of Chromebooks hit 29, 6 million pieces, with an annual growth of ben the 74%, in the course del 2021 this value is expected to exceed quota 40 million pieces for a further annual growth of 37%.

In terms of operating systems, the spread of Chromebooks led to a rebalancing : for the latter, a market share of between 15% and the 20 %, while for Apple systems with MacOS the market share should reach approximately 10%. The remainder will be Windows systems, which will therefore drop below the 80% continuing to remain the most widespread but no longer with the percentages of the past.

Trendforce also reports the success of AMD in this market sector , with a percentage of 11, 4% of notebook systems based on Ryzen processors during 2019 which increased until 20, 1% in 2020 thanks to market success of Ryzen processors with Zen 2 architecture. Apple systems based on proprietary chips are also on the horizon, already debuting with a couple of models and which will complete the entire range of the American company during 2021 replacing the proposals with Intel CPU.