The Xbox Series S has a standard internal SSD drive in M.2 format.

Source: Geeknetic added 09th Nov 2020

by Jordi Bercial 3 hours ago

There has been a long talk about the SSD units that we can find in the new generation of consoles, both by Sony and by Microsoft, but in something that low the point of view of the repairability of the console puts Microsoft above is the fact that, as has already been seen in different disassemblies of the console, Microsoft has mounted an M.2 SSD drive . on the console motherboard.

This is important, since, being an element wear, the fact that the PlayStation 5 has the SSD soldered to the motherboard itself -as well as the slot M.2. disabled at console launch – it is a disadvantage compared to the M.2 module. with which the Xbox Series S has, which can be replaced when it eventually fails, as with any storage unit based on NAND memories, since they have a finite life.

In any case, this should not be a factor that determines the purchase of one or another console, but it is something that can allow a higher capacity unit to be mounted a few years later, especially when the warranty has expired , since this requires disassembly the console completely, as we can see in the Modern Vintage Gamer video under these lines.

In this way , it also shows in a way that the Velocity architecture that Microsoft has used for the new generation of Xbox consoles is relatively agnostic when it comes to SSD drives , for example Sony has made use of even a custom controller for higher speeds.

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Jordi Bercial

Avid tech and electronics enthusiast. I messed around with computer components almost since I learned to ride. I started working at Geeknetic after winning a contest on their forum for writing hardware articles. Drift, mechanics and photography lover. Don’t be shy and leave a comment on my articles if you have any questions.