Windows 7, at least 100 million users still use it today

Source: HW Upgrade added 08th Jan 2021

  • windows-7,-at-least-100-million-users-still-use-it-today

Analyzing data from different sources you can get an estimate of how many users are still using Microsoft’s operating system, which hasn’t received security updates for about a year

di Nino Grasso published on , at 08: 01 in the Operating Systems channel

Microsoft Windows

The story that happened with Windows XP is repeating itself with Windows 7. Despite the end of its support, in fact, there are still at least 100 millions of users using Windows 7 , at least according to sti me unofficial. Microsoft hasn’t released the adoption data of the old OS for some time, but ZDNet has collected the figures from different regions and it seems that more than 100 millions of users still rely on Windows 7 , not sure because it is no longer supported by Microsoft.

Being able to extrapolate the exact number of Windows 7 users is a difficult task, as is determining the exact market shares among the operating systems. There are different realities that try to offer careful and accurate analyzes in this sense, but each uses different methods more or less effective, which sometimes give similar but never identical results. Similarly, it is not easy to find out what the exact number of Windows PCs running one of the many versions of the OS is.

Precisely for this reason the most reliable numbers are those of the parent company , but even in this case there may be differences with the real adoptions of the various versions of the operating system. Microsoft claims that Windows 10 has an equal base to 1.5 billion users , while NetMarketShare, StatCounter and the US government’s Digital Analytics Program state that the market shares of Windows 7 are equal to – respectively – 21, 7%, 17, 7% and 7% .

Even with the most conservative estimate, that of the US government, which considers only national users and not those of other less developed geographical areas, in all the world there are at least 100 millions of users using the old operating system , no longer secure for about a year after the end of support. This is a huge number of users, but there is also good news: the figure is clearly lower than the estimates made at the end 2019, according to which there were 200 millions of computers with still an active installation of Windows 7.