Xbox: Microsoft denies battery requirement because of Duracell partnership

Source: Hardware Luxx added 11th Jan 2021

  • xbox:-microsoft-denies-battery-requirement-because-of-duracell-partnership

Microsoft’s decision to use AA batteries for the new Xbox controllers again does not appeal to everyone and has sparked rumors that the decision was something to do with the partnership with the Duracell company. Duracell specializes in the manufacture of all types of batteries and currently produces around the world 25 % of all batteries. A recent interview with Luke Anderson, Duracell’s UK marketing manager, appeared to further strengthen the suspicion. It was said that the partnership between the company and Xbox has been around for a long time. OEM would supply the battery for both the Xbox consoles and the controllers. This would have been the case for a while and will probably go on for a while.

Now, however, a company spokesman for Microsoft commented and denied the rumors. He admits that AA batteries in the controller are a polarizing topic, but that no one is forced to use them. Players could always make use of the rechargeable battery – which many will certainly do if they don’t want to rely exclusively on batteries. You want to give customers a choice method on purpose, because different players would have different wants and views. This way you could please both groups if possible. However, it is not the case that Xbox is forced, due to an agreement with Duracell, to integrate the possibility of charging by means of batteries in all of its controllers.

Competitor Sony is already using its Playstation controllers has long been on integrated rechargeable batteries and offers no option for the use of batteries. It remains to be seen whether Microsoft will follow suit at some point. It will probably also depend on how great the demand in the player shaft for a battery option will be in the future.