Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Cat Detector Gun Scans for Felines

Home News (Image credit: Niklas Fauth) Sometimes you’re looking at a cat and sometimes you’re not. We know what it’s like.  But how you can know for sure? With Niklas Fauth’s Raspberry Pi-powered cat detecting gun, of course! Don’t worry, this cat-detecting gun is safe—shooting only images that are evaluated using machine learning to determine… Read more


Geniatech Launches XPI-3288 Raspberry Pi Alternative

Home News (Image credit: Geniatech) It may have a name that sounds like a 1960s spy plane, but the Geniatech XPI-3288 is a single board computer which looks like it has just stepped out of the Raspberry Pi factory, but it has a few differences that make it stand out from the crowd. Image 1… Read more


CircuitPython Could Become a Bootable OS for Raspberry Pi

Home News (Image credit: Shutterstock) CircuitPython, Adafruit’s enhanced fork of the MicroPython language, runs on nearly 200 different microcontroller boards, including the Raspberry Pi Pico, and it could soon become an operating system for regular (non-Pico) Raspberry Pis. While appearing as a guest on the Tom’s Hardware Pi Cast this week, CircuitPython Programming Lead Scott… Read more


Doomsday Communicator Powered By Raspberry Pi Pico

Home News (Image credit: Bobricious) The Raspberry Pi Pico is turning up in many imaginative projects, and the latest to the list is a long-range wireless chat “Doomsday Communicator” from Bobricius that features a simple QWERTY keyboard and a small IPS LCD display. #RP2040 #raspberrypi #pico #picomputer with QWERTY keyboard and IPS display 240×240 stay… Read more


You can now beam Steam games from your PC to practically anyone, anywhere, for free

Valve is significantly expanding your ability to share games at home and with your friends for free using Steam. One change is the introduction of a Linux version of its Steam Link app, which lets you stream games from a computer to a device with the Steam Link app installed on the same local network…. Read more


Raspberry Pi Uses Siri to Operate a Garage Door

Home News (Image credit: Steve Does Stuff!) Building the smart home of your dreams? You may want to check out Steve’s Siri-controlled garage door management system from Steve Does Stuff on YouTube. It uses a Raspberry Pi integrated with Siri support to check the status of and control up to three individual garage doors. Users… Read more


Maker Creates Raspberry Pi Pico 3D Printed Soldering Jig

Home News (Image credit: Martin O’Hanlon) The Raspberry Pi Pico has one major issue:  it comes with no header pins soldered to it. As our tutorial on how to solder pins to Raspberry Pi Pico shows, solving this problem isn’t difficult, but we do need to make sure that they are straight and if we… Read more


Olimex Teases New Raspberry Pi Pico Emulation Board

Home News (Image credit: Olimex) The range of Raspberry Pi Pico accessories keeps growing, and the latest is from Olimex. In a render teased via Twitter, Olimex appears to be working on their own breakout board with a focus on emulation, and it looks like they have crammed in everything we could need for a… Read more


Elecrow’s Crowbits Uses Programmable Blocks to Promote STEM Learning

Home News (Image credit: Elecrow) Just days after Elecrow launched its Kickstarter campaign for Crowbits on February 24th, the company has already received pledges 3x over its goal of $9,994 thanks to strong community support. But it’s not too late to send in your pledge since there are still 40 days left before the end… Read more


Raspberry Pi’s Ninth Birthday: 9 Things You Might Not Know

Home News (Image credit: Shutterstock) One of the world’s most popular and innovative computers officially launched on February 29, 2012. Nine years and 38 million units sold later, the Raspberry Pi powers a huge community of makers, students and businesses. What started as a small project, meant to increase applications for Cambridge University’s computer science… Read more


Raspberry Pi Pico Uses 3D Printed Circuit In Mechanical Keypad

Home News (Image credit: Duzitbetter) Making your own keyboard from scratch isn’t usually this hands-on, but the results are totally worth it. This custom Raspberry Pi Pico keypad comes from a maker known on Reddit as Duzitbetter who decided to 3D print the circuit inside. Where other makers would design their own PCB, Duzitbetter decided… Read more


Pimoroni Keybow 2040 Review: Programmable Keyboard with Pi Silicon Inside

Our Verdict The Keybow 2040 is a well made board that does exactly what it sets out to do. The CircuitPython library provides all of the functionality that we need in an easy to use manner. For Ease of use Compact size Clicky Keys Against Pricey Lacks MicroPython support Programmable keyboards are nothing new. Gamers… Read more


Raspberry Pi Pico Drives EuroPi: A Custom EuroRack Module

Synth music met a new standard with the introduction of EuroRack synthesizers. Maker Rory Allen is using a Raspberry Pi Pico to take things a step further by opening the modular world of EuroRack synths to the creative benefit of an open-source module known as the EuroPi. The goal was to provide an open-source tool… Read more


Steam’s multiplayer game streaming now works with friends without Steam accounts

Steam’s Remote Play Together feature, which lets you stream local multiplayer games with friends over the internet, will no longer require every player to have a Steam account. The new functionality, which is currently in beta, lets Steam users invite a friend to their game with a link, after which they’ll be prompted to install… Read more


Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 Carrier Board ‘Tofu’ Could Be Everything We Need

Home News (Image credit: Oratek) The Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 gave us the power of the Raspberry Pi 4 in a smaller package but it came with a cost, the Compute Module 4 needed carrier boards for GPIO access, USB, Ethernet etc. Tofu, a carrier board from oratek is designed for industrial applications and… Read more