Cyberpunk 2077, refunds for old-gen versions: CD Projekt RED's apologies

Source: HW Upgrade added 14th Dec 2020

  • cyberpunk-2077,-refunds-for-old-gen-versions:-cd-projekt-red's-apologies

Cyberpunk’s chaotic launch 2077 forced the CD Projekt RED team to release a further press release. We are therefore talking about the refunds requested by console users and the technical problems encountered on most compatible platforms. New patches arriving early in 2021.

by Pasquale Fusco published , at 02: 01 in the Videogames channel

CD Projekt Red

For new players of Cyberpunk 2077 the week is inaugurated with a new communication from CD Projekt RED . After a rather stormy launch, the Polish studio apologized to users for mistakes made with the PlayStation 4 versions) and Xbox One of his RPG. We also talked about the refunds requested by many players, disappointed by the insufficient level of performance achieved on some platforms and mainly due to the large amount of bugs.

Cyberpunk 2077: first patches coming, clarifications on refunds

The last few days have been particularly busy for the CD Projekt RED team.

Many of the players who have purchased their copy of Cyberpunk 2077 for PS4 and PS5 have contacted Sony in an attempt to request a refund . The reasons? The continuous crashes, the countless bugs and other problems that afflict the game, not to mention the disappointing graphics sector proposed with the old-gen versions – and therefore on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Today the official apologies from the Warsaw software house arrive. CD Projekt RED admits that the development of the aforementioned versions should have gone differently, paying more attention to the performance obtained on the “old” Sony and Microsoft consoles.

As the official press release states, two big patches will be released after the Christmas holidays, scheduled for January ( Patch 1 ) and February ( Patch 2 ) . “Together, these updates should solve the most important problems that gamers face on last generation consoles “, explain the producers of CD Projekt RED. The team specifies that these patches, “will not make the game on old-gen appear to work as well as on a high-end PC. high or on a next generation console, but it will be closer to that experience than it is now “.

A necessary clarification, since Cyberpunk 2077 , at least on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, can offer more than decent performance compared to its counterparts last generation. Even Google Stadia guarantees a better experience on the performance front: it is an option to consider, especially if you are without a high-end PC or next-gen console.

Going back to talking about refunds, CD Projekt RED cannot justify itself: “We would appreciate it if you would give us a chance, but if you are not satisfied with the game as it is ‘is on console and you don’t want to wait for updates, you can choose to refund your copy “.

The developers explain that it is possible to go to PSN or Xbox for digital purchases, while buyers of physical copies will have to give it a try at the reference store. Alternatively, the solution comes directly from CD Projekt: “If this is not possible, please contact us at and we will do our best to help you “; you can contact the developer until 21 December 2020.

The press release, signed by the managers of CD Projekt RED, ends with the promise that the aforementioned updates will arrive also on PC , where Cyberpunk 2077 suffers from the same bugs and problems found on home consoles.

Still on Windows systems, Cyberpunk 2077 gave to Steam a new important record: the platform recorded the beauty of 24, 804, 148 connected users i simultaneously. The contribution of the sci-fi RPG was crucial, having brought in at least a million players on the day of its debut. We remind you, moreover, that the work of CD Projekt RED has sold over 8 million copies during the pre-order phase alone, among the various supported platforms.